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爆 廠商實拍 家居排行版 7月熱銷自然交叉睫毛

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-07-12 刊登者: sally



包裝:單對入   紙卡套入PVC


進口原料,色澤自然、輕巧柔軟,不傷眼皮、不易過敏、不易脫毛 ,特殊編綁技巧使母梗輕巧又具支撐度,不用擔心取用不便或容易垮下壞了眼神, (母梗柔軟度會因睫毛濃密度而有些許差異,越濃密款式母梗將越具支撐性




建議使用後,以化妝棉浸濕敷於眼部和黏貼處, 10秒後,輕輕往下卸除眼妝與假睫毛 殘膠以沾謝妝液的棉花棒整理後,放於睫毛收納盒並將形狀調整好,待自然風乾再蓋上盒子以利保存。


Toyoepin False Eyelashes

Fabulous reusable false eyelashes in every color known to man.

The highest quality false eyelashes for professionally applied look. Easy to use.

Every lash is carefully hand made, with 100% sterilized human hair in black or hair-like fiber in colored lashes, to perfect uniformity and uncompromising quality.


False eyelashes may be trimmed in width or length to suit your eye size or personal preference. (Try original length before cutting.)

Apply fake eyelash glue sparingly to lash band.

Wait 10 seconds for adhesive to become sticky.

Position false eyelashes slightly above your natural lash and press ends into place.

Gently press across entire lash until set.

To remove, gently peel false eyelashes band off lid, starting at outer corner.

Remove adhesive from band and place your false eyelashes back to the tray for re-use.

False eyelashes wholesale available. Please email us at [email protected] for more details.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性