Magical Science specialises in hosting science and magica themed parties for kids. We are dedicated to making your kids birthday party as exhilarating and memorable as possible. Why not make a booking with us today for your kids next birthday party and revel in watching your kids having a whale of time with our experiments !!
We have hosted science themed birthday party a dozen times. We know exactly how to make your kids birthday party both exhilarating and educational. All of our activities are run by experienced and fun-loving science teachers in either fluent English or Cantonese. We have a few themes for you to select from. We can also exclusively tailor make the activities just to cater to the interest of your kids. Drop us a line today and let us organize a brilliant Bday for your precious little ones.
1.Magical Science (魔術科學)
This theme revolves around some magic tricks that are nothing but scientific phenomena. Everything your kids see will surely have them scratching their heads and wondering how it was done. This is a great opportunity for kids to use their problem solving and critical thinking skills. This theme involves lots of fun hands-on experiments. At the end of the party your kids will surely fool or impress their friends like a magician and at the same explain their magic tricks like a scientist. It is the best of both worlds for budding scientist and magician alike.
此主題圍繞著魔術的奧秘,現實當中部份的魔法是源於科學的現象,相信小朋友看過魔術後,必定曾在腦海中出現過甚至想過怎麼做。藉著此機會來鍛鍊他們的解難及邏輯思維,此主題具備多款動手實驗,當小朋友知道答案後,或許他們會感到愚蠢或令他成為小小魔術師,並同時可以成為小小科學家 ,可謂一舉兩得!
Experiments included in the theme are as follow :
1. Introduction with random magic tricks
2. Self-inflating balloon (自行長大的氣球)
3. Diver manipulation in a bottle (樽裏的潛水員)
4. Color changing experiments (神秘的色彩)
5. Chemical reaction (一觸即發)
2.Dry ice fun (乾冰世界)
This theme revolves around Dry ice .This theme not only guarantees your kids endless fun but also educates them about the properties of the solid carbon dioxide.
This theme includes the following experiments
1. Introduction regarding dry ice (乾冰是什麼?)
2. Dry ice smoke ring (冰煙環)
3. Dry ice fire extinguisher (齊來做個防消員)
4. Dry ice “goo bubble” (啫喱泡泡)
5. Dry ice mini explosion (小小爆炸)
6. Dry ice balloon (乾冰泡泡)
3.Arts and Craft Science(手工藝科學)
This theme is highly recommended for kids that are fond of arts and crafts. They can not only acquire lots of interesting science knowledge through hands-on art and craft activities but also make good use of their creativity as well. It is guaranteed that your kids will take pride in their science related artworks they create with us and can’t wait to show them off to their friends.
The projects kids will take on in the theme include (手工藝科學活動內容)
1.Making a bouncy ball and slime(彈彈波與核突膠)
2.Making artificial snow or Dinosaur fossils (冰雪奇緣)
3.Simulation of the Volcanic eruption (模擬火山爆發的經過)
If you can interested in having your kids’ next birthday party planned and organized by us don’t hesitate to Whatapps or call us 62137614 or 96443579 . You can also email [email protected], visit our blog or FB page for more details and lastest information. We just can’t wait to put on the best party ever for you precious little ones .
如果你地想有個特別既生日會,唔好遲疑快啲同我地聯絡啦!我地期待住同你既小朋友一齊擁有一個難忘又好玩既生日會!大家有興趣可以黎我地個FB : 或網站: 進一步了解,歡迎whatsapp 或致電比我地嫁, 電話: 62137614 or 96443579