Event Management 活動統籌 憑著在廣告及演藝界的豐富經驗及網絡,本公司為客戶籌辦各類活動,包括時裝匯演、週年晚宴、主題派對、婚宴、壽宴、記者招待會、研討會、產品發佈會等。 我們了解客戶的不同需要,由初步的概念構思開始,因應您的目標對象及開支預算,為您策劃及推行整項活動,運用我們的專業知識及經驗,為出席者帶來獨一無二的體驗,令傳媒、來賓、目標顧客及公眾對您的品牌 / 企業留下深刻印象,從而達至提升品牌形象、增加營業額等目的。 服務包括: - 主題及概念構思 - 流程安排 - 場地佈置 (包括舞台、燈光、音響、佈景板等) - 撰寫各類講辭及文稿 - 挑選及安排模特兒、司儀、表演者等 - 傳媒邀請 - 嘉賓、評判及贊助商邀請 - 化妝、髮型及形象創作 - 服裝指導 - 攝影及錄像……等
With extensive experience and connection in the advertising & entertainment industries, we provide event management services for catwalk shows, annual dinners, theme parties, wedding banquets, birthday banquets, press conferences, seminars, product launches, promotion events, etc. for corporate and individual clients.
With heartfelt attention on every detail, we help you to plan and to execute the event from initial conception and to source for the best within your budget, making the event a unique experience to the audience and hence your brand / corporation the most memorable in the mind of the media, guests, target customers and the public, the brand image and turnover thus raised.