1. 88DB
  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修

【教育碩士/音樂教育學士學位畢業 鋼琴樂理老師 樂團指揮】奧運站 上門/老師家 多位學生比賽三甲,考試distinction

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-10-31 刊登者: Miss Yip
    unGERU BAT .hk  Pianist,Musician,Music,Piano,
    Graded music eva ABRSM All Distinction!!! ARRSM ABRSA Graded music exam ABRSM ABRSM Marks Candidate Grade . Sbu 25 Presented by PIANO ABRSM Marks 29 29 cotra cr dd phare- tapeine, omanet Jell inteprated or flly Marks Subject dig amier hepe he Beld Syle, were ofter free or fly fabHe Iagely dnateithe acconat with guod thity 63 Al not ernr- 7 sot erar- 30120 30 1201 Marks ar ret, 30 I2ol 28 3 lauled 27 well- pednlled adka, darl! Eght 30 120 30lant 30 nicely 29 ranhve thaped aeludy. A Hanker perfmance. 6ola contrat, 30120 30 120 L-H aded 27 30 1201 fub du ed 30 t20 27 with 30 (201 de he 29 28 28 tyle realy well, derpite why today. (The and 26 26 29 Ouit gucts wit. wed Played 30 (20 C2 3120 you aptued he stpr alonp e 301201 27 ently 16 30 (20 24 nwer Compromited.) althouph eath 20 201200 IS there 30 120 19 fus uiplacenat/stunbles in few exauples Arpepgior wee fairty seuve ad fome of 27 21 14) 30 201 1ly 21141 21 (147 21114) te 17 ke 2114 21 (14) 18 201201 to /Scales and arpegies Robu sty sh Text,Font,
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演奏級鋼琴導師 葉老師




英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院文憑ATCL(榮獲 Distinction)

英國皇家音樂學院8級樂理 (Merit)

英國皇家音樂學院大提琴(榮獲 Distinction)

英國皇家音樂學院木笛(榮獲 Merit)










請Whatsapp聯絡 Miss Yip 96497583


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