1. 88DB
  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修

全職鋼琴老師 - Miss Lee,上門教授鋼琴地區 沙田 / 大圍 / 火炭 / 馬𩣑山 上門授鋼琴, 可於老師沙田家中上課,設獨立琴室及Yamaha U5鋼琴, 廣東話或普通話或英語上課。

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-11-09 刊登者: 鋼琴老師 Ms Lee
    88DB.com  piano
    88DB.con  piano
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    88DB.co  piano
      piano,pianist,keyboard,musical instrument,player piano
    Missus White Got a Fright! Traditional owly and spookly Song ASAHI   piano,musical instrument,keyboard,technology,digital piano

全職鋼琴老師 - Miss Lee


  • 英國倫敦京士頓大學音樂系 (榮譽) 學士
  • 英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院 鋼琴演奏文憑
  • 英國皇家音樂學院 鋼琴教學文憑
  • 香港大學專業進修學院 鋼琴演奏、分析及教學證書
  • 英國皇家音樂學院 聲樂及樂理八級證書
piano,pianist,keyboard,musical instrument,player piano


找一位認真、有耐性,思考周緻的老師,讓你發展你的音樂潛能,實現音樂夢想 !





piano,pianist,keyboard,fortepiano,technology piano,pianist,keyboard,fortepiano,player piano

piano,musical instrument,keyboard,technology,electronic device Mssus White Got a Fright! org ASAHI,piano,musical instrument,keyboard,digital piano,technology







沙田 / 大圍 / 火炭 / 𩣑 上門授鋼琴,

可於老師沙田家中上課,設獨立琴室及Yamaha U5鋼琴,




聯絡 : 李老師 (Miss Lee)

電話 : 6281 9762

電郵 : [email protected]



高材生文藝發展中心 Star Kids Art Development Centre #證明 參與 第九屆香港傑出青少年鋼琴家公開賽 The 9th x Outstanding Tenager Opem PanoCompetition 11-14歲獎學金公開組 Age 1-14 Scholarship Open 亞軍 The 2nd prize,text,font,line,paper,product 高材生文藝發展中心 Star Kids Art Development Centre hs ito cery tha 參與 第九屆香港傑出青少年鋼琴家公開賽 Thtousanding Tanager Open Priane Competii t級獨奏 Grade 7 solo titon 亞軍 The 2nd prize Ho Deceaber 297,text,font,line,paper,areaGraded music exam Candidate Presented ty Subject ABRSM Grade 12,text,font,black and white,paper,documentGraded music exam ABRSM Grade 3,text,font,black and white,document,paperGraded music exam ABRSM Presented by Grade AI Total 1I5,text,music,font,black and white,paperGraded music exam ABRSM Presented by Grade Subject 27 17 I8 17 Tetal 134,text,music,font,black and white,paperTHEORY EXAMS 0CTOBER 20171 GRADES 樂理于試1 2017年10月1第五級 ABRSM dding msies,ewitnga note using the enr cll, neeniting an 2. Describing meliodic intervals ว. Transposing a passage 5or clarnetin@bfrom concert lsoniglto wrmen | 10 | l Terms, sign, and naming an ornament al Naming akty, indicating a chond progression gving technical names and Naming a similarity and a difference, and instrumental question Ama acodenakt to make beginning on the given no named scale and writng·chromatic scale ndicing suitble chord progressions for bwo cadences by writing chord TOTAL 00,text,font,product,line,paperTHEORY EXAMS FEBRUARY 2017 樂理9試1201782月1第五級 GRADE 5 ABRSM NAME OF CANDIDATE CANDIDATE NO Asing time s mature, terms, general iveston, descrbng chords and Rewriting passage fer SATB opes te shrt score 10 10 bl Sign,descriting harmonic intervals and giinga time name Weting a named scale weheut@key spature and art scale wes 09 Teansposingassae for horn in Ftrem wri o Writing a mallody For tute or trumpet or to given words Indicatin se chod progressions for two cadences by writing chor ames or any csed sybr by writin TOTAL 1100183 總分,text,font,product,paper,lineGraded music exam ABRSM Presented by Subject Grade 24 of臥le.tr,text,font,black and white,paper,musicGraded music exam Canddate- Peesented by Subject ABRSM Marks ilu C2 25 125,text,font,black and white,handwriting,paperGraded music exam ABRSM Presented by 1 6 Total 12 2,text,font,black and white,music,paperGraded music exam Cand dat Presened b ABRSM Grade 5 Ci 26 nasa isan iords the of20 April 2012,text,font,black and white,paper,lineTHEORY XAMS [ JUNE 20121 GRADE 5 樂理考試 2012年6月]第五 ABRSM NAME OF CANDIDATE CANDIDATE NO Adling bar-ines,rewriting nate in ahe Cde, descbing chords, indicating Describing melodic intervals 3Transposing passage for claninet in & from wien 1 lal ding ornament,chond and echnical name, and rewniting notes in ten10 10 10 cencert soundingl pitch00 Terms and sige and naming kay Id Rearting enarmonic equivalent as breve and instrumental quesitions Witing chromatic scale beginning on given nate and wiice wh e 根據腚耕寫特脩,順ER號寫饑 10 长甯ang melodyfor oboe er uvreet or togen words Indicating sutable peagressions for two cadences ty writing thednms Total required to Pas1 TOTAL匪分 100186,text,font,product,paper,lineGraded music exam ABRSM Presented by Subject Grade 27 ニ悩 26 Total 122,text,music,font,paper,black and whiteASSOCIATED BOARD MARK FOR une an opiate teupo re- foresta Salomo Arpeggks|clearl.rrved. Stanato ,velusrem ewk w 悍 Sight Reading bead outine uns pace and key, usee. doloses. Greater accuracy i, 써ty retired TOTAL I 120 chetive in the,text,font,black and white,paper,lineXAMENATION ASSOCIATED BOARD bit PIANO 29 21 B3 o go 24 Ca 21 04 TOTAL 32 389,text,font,paper,document,lineEXAMINATION MARK FORM ASSOCIATED BOARD Candidate Presented by Grade 20 tu 30 00 C3 27 Traditional Son lae 从done 17,text,font,black and white,line,paper7 HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第五十七从香港學校音樂節 Class Code: E109 No:41 Group 6 Class DescriptionGrade Three Compettoe -Piano Selo Marks M Joseph Seiger,text,font,product,diagram,paper

Graded music exam ABRSM Grade Total 130 kal munhmip. Well 08Au/2018 o1.,text,handwriting,font,document,paper70TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第七十屆香港學校音樂節 26/2- 28/3/2018 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 香港學校音樂及朗誦 會主辦 : U106-28 Assigned Order出場序: 3 Class項目 Graded Piano Solo Grade Two Member 006364 Certificate奬狀 Competitor 參賽者 Merit優良 80-89 marks分 75.79 marks分Proficiency Piece(s)曲目 : Mazze from Easy Little Peppers . Elissa Milne Marks 分數 (5 Place 名次 hled dni M A Prof Malcolm Weale JP Adjudicator susu buting the ceni,text,handwriting,document,font,writing ABRSM Graded music exam Carndfidate Presented by- Grade PIANO Marks Subject 29 30 (20) 2つ 30 (20) 30 30 (20) tional song 19 21 (14) uick study 21 (14) st Total 14I Maximum (Pass) 150 (100),text,font,document,writing,


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