個人簡介 Biography
Born in Hong Kong, Rebecca Mok started studying classical piano at the age of five. She obtained the Associate and Licentiate Diploma in Piano Performance of the Trinity College London in 2004 and 2008, she was also awarded the Professional Music Higher Diploma in Piano Pedagogy from Chinese University. Mok graduated at Kingston University London studying Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance and obtained her Music Master Degree completed with distinction at Education University of Hong Kong. Her piano teachers include internationally renowned pianists Mary Wu and Warren Lee. As a pianist and singer, Mok has performed in concerts, music festival, gallery, competitions and Fringe Club. She has appeared as accompanist and chamber musician at Hong Kong City Hall, Youth Square Theatre and Hong Kong Space Museum. As a piano teacher for more than 15 years, she organizes regular student concerts in different venues including Hong Kong Space Museum and adjudicated for various piano competitions.
出生於香港, 5歲開始學習鋼琴, 畢業於英國京士頓大學音樂系, 主修鋼琴。期後於香港教育大學以一級榮譽取得音樂碩士學位。師承著名鋼琴家吳美樂博士及李偉安先生。先後獲取英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院鋼琴高級文憑, 鋼琴演奏文憑及聲樂證書, 亦為多項鋼琴比賽作評判。莫氏熱衷於各類型表演藝術, 曾於大會堂, 太空館, 藝穗會等場地演出。
履歷 Qualifications
The Education University of Hong Kong, Master of Arts in Music (Distinction)
Kingston University London, Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance
Licentiate of the Trinity College London, Piano Recital (LTCL)
Associate of the Trinity College London, Piano Performance (ATCL)
Chinese University, Professional Music Higher Diploma in Piano Pedagogy
Royal Schools of Music in Singing (Grade 8)
Member of Hong Kong Music Tutor Association
香港教育大學音樂項士, 一級榮譽, 主修鋼琴演奏
英國倫敦京士頓大學音樂學士, 主修鋼琴演奏
英國倫敦聖三一 音樂學院演奏文憑
香港中文大學音樂演奏高等專業文憑, 主修鋼琴教學
教學理念 Teaching Objective
I wish my students can play the piano well, to enjoy music and to enrich their live through appreciate music. Students develop enjoyment by understanding music, playing variety of music and most importantly receiving correct instructions from the teacher. I hope my enthusiasm and knowledge in music and piano performance can educate and inspire my students with solid technique, music literacy, performance artistry and understanding in music theory and music history.
希望透過一套全面而靈活的教學方式, 啓發學生對音樂的興趣, 訓練他們擁有鞏固的彈奏技巧。 因材施教, 啟發他們的潛能。 並希望透過本人對音樂與教學的熱情帶領他們感受音樂, 理解音樂, 令音樂成為他們的終生伴侶, 豐富人生。
全面教學 包括樂理知識, 技巧訓練, 音樂詞彙, 演奏風格, 樂曲分析, 作曲家背景, 音色處理, 姿勢台型, 視譜及聽力訓練, 正確的手形及姿勢。
靈活教學 因應不同需要, 編制課程與教材。透過想像故事畫面,令學生更易領悟樂曲意思,建立音樂感。
定期舉辦學生音樂會, 互相學習。鼓勵及協助學生參加校際音樂節及鋼琴比賽,累積演奏經驗, 增加自信心。並保送英國皇家音樂院考試及英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院考試。不少學生於鋼琴比賽及考試中獲得獎項及優異成績, 有些更入讀或畢業於大學音樂系。
教授課程 Course
Piano lesson ( Grade 1 to LTCL )
Theory lesson ( Grade 5 to 8 )
Piano accompaniment ( Grade 1 to LTCL )
鋼琴課程 (一級至高級演奏級)
樂理課程 (五級至八級)
學生於鋼琴比賽及考試中屢獲獎項 Students won prizes in competitions
上課地點 Address : 將軍澳 Tseung Kwun O
聯絡 Contact: 莫老師 Ms Mok
網址 Website: www.rebecca-mok.com
電郵 Email: [email protected]
電話 Whatsapp/Tel: 97009992
*提供試堂, 評估學員演奏程度
*採用全新YAMAHA 三角琴授課
*能以廣東話, 英語, 普通話授課
*十五年教授鋼琴, 樂理及伴奏經驗