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  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修

Professional Music Instructor 全職專業色士風導師/樂手,教授正統古典色士風(Saxophone)及單簧管(Clarinet); 婚禮及宴會樂手。

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2017-03-05 刊登者: Saxotonic Music

Gabriel Cheng, an active experienced music instructor and performer in Hong Kong. He started playing saxophone when he was 11. He studied under Chiu Hang and Kevin Ling, who are very famous and great classical clarinetist and saxophonist in Hong Kong. Also, received training with famous saxophonist Andy Scott from UK. After that, he followed Jeff Schneider, who is an active Jazz saxophonist and composer in US.

He was graduated with BSc(Hons) Music Technology by Coventry University, UK. He used to do some song writing, composing and sound engineering works for various companies and events. Now, He teaches saxophone & clarinet in many Primary & Secondary schools and private lessons in HK mainly. Some of his students were studying at Independent Schools Foundation Academy(ISF), French International school, Australian International school, Singapore International school, Ying Wa College, St. Pauls college, Parsons Music limited...

Gabriel, used to play Classical, Jazz & Pop styles music. Except teaching, he also is a freelance performer for companies, weddings, annual & private parties, balls, dramas and various events live performances...

Languages for lesson: Cantonese, English & Mandarin.


  • 英國Coventry University BSc (Hons) Music Technology
  • 演奏級古典演奏家;擅於教授正統古典色士風(Saxophone)及單簧管(Clarinet);亦擅於流行及爵士風格
  • 擁有9年以上豐富教學經驗。擅長教授考試技巧及要求,所教學生報考ABRSM皇家音樂學院合格率100%,大部分學員更考獲 Distinction / Merit 以上成績。
  • 曾跟隨多位擁有多年專業大型樂團經驗,熟悉樂團要求及運作。
  • 曾於柏斯琴行及不少琴行任教多年,現主要以任教於本港多間小學中學名校國際學校私人教學為主;當中如弘立書院英華書院,St.Paul, Australian International school, Singapore International school...
  • 另為婚禮,宴會及活動表演者。曾於多個大型機構,集團及私人場所演出。
  • 跟隨本人學習的學員年齡範圍由4歲半小朋友至年長成人不等。
  • 讀書期間副修Digital Music, 擅於作曲,電腦編曲及錄音, 曾為不少機構作作曲及編曲工作。


  • 希望能夠以本人多年教學經驗,協助初學者及進階學員易於掌握及樂在其中
  • 不會拖時間教授,確保有心向學學員每堂課堂上都能夠有所得益
  • 針對毫無音樂根底學員教學法。
  • 課堂中會教導學員善用及如何用耳朵去分辨錯誤及問題,以務求學員於家中練習方法正確,達至事半功倍
  • 相信沒有學不會的學員,只要方法正確,加上適量的時間練習,目標必定會可以達成。

另於葵涌區設有工作室, 除教學外,另有樂器及配件買賣。

如有興趣報讀小組課程(2-5人)/婚禮短期速成班, 或樂器及配件買賣資訊,歡迎查詢詳情。


Whatsapp/Call: 93131695 (Gabriel Cheng)

E-mail: [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性