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Office Computerization Solution

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-08-23 刊登者: webnix
OCS Package Includes:
A. Hardware & Software Order
As intranet becomes the requisite equipment inside modern office, Webnix offers one-stop computer hardware and software ordering to eliminate the trouble of dealing with different hardware and software vendors but within your budget.

B. Office Networking
Most customers faced the problems in setting up local network in your office. Webnix can offer you a complete one-stop office networking services including network cabling and installation.
C. Office PC Maintenance
Webnix understand most customer needs for the long-term after-sales support after you purchased the computers in your office. Webnix provides a professional IT consultants and technicans for troubleshooting of your office PC.
(1) Long term support for your office computer equipment and software
(2) Lower the cost without employing a technican in your office
(3) Hotline support for enquiry, troubleshooting or add-on services request
D. Intranet & Internal System
Webnix developed a series of application software for companies and small size office:
Company Web Mail System
Fax-to-email / Email-to-fax Services
Company Internal Dialup Server
Intranet System
For the enquiry of details information, please contact our sales manager at (852) 27208429 or email to [email protected]
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性