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Rubicon Office Appliances Ltd

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-08-09 刊登者: Rubicon I.T Ltd.
Rubicon Office Appliances Ltd
Rubicon Office Appliances Ltd. was established in 1993 and is now a leading IT firm in HK and China which has a proven record in deploying quality Email Solutions, Intra-Networking Systems, Out-sourcing services, Backup Solutions, as well as Security Systems for many HK, China, Europe, US and Japan corporations.
In short, we can provide integrated business solutions and consultancy services for companies of different fields as far as computer hardware and software are concerned. Most of our customers have patronized us for more than 10 years and are satisfied with our after sales services. We are greatly indebted to our colleagues for their dedications and contributions.
立邦商業電腦有限公司成立於1993年, 為香港,中國,歐洲,美國及日本等企業建立中港兩地跨境網絡系統,及解決收發電子郵件問題。. 並成功為各地企業提供完善資料備份, 及網絡安全系統。
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性