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FREE - domain monitoring with our Domain + Website Monitoring Services

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-06-02 刊登者: China Network Registration (HK) Limited
China Network Registrations (HK) Limited (CNR)
is the sole organization in Hong Kong dedicated uniquely to provide the professional service on online domain resources protection.

CNR today launched Website Monitoring version 2.
All your registered domain names with CNR are currently under our monitoring service FREE of charge.

To let you know the enhancements of our monitoring service you are using, we hereby summarize below. 
You thought your web hosting / IT is monitoring your website and domain names. Then Think again...

Even the most advance IT and largest web hosting is only providing "Equipment Monitoring" which means mainly the hardware server and network equipments in their data center are monitored.
 Our monitoring is from an end user point of view, trace and monitor the route and content before reaching your website.

The internet world before reaching your server belongs to nobody and is loosely controlled. Therefore our service does not overlap with equipment monitoring in your web hosting.

Version 2 enhancement includes:
Simultaneous connections from both PCCW and another Hong Kong Internet Service Provider. 
More accurate:            Alert will be sent only when both connections detected your domain name redirection or webpage content changed. Reduce false alarm.
More frequent:            Monitoring is set for every 2 hours during HK office time. 
More dynamic:            Selective domain name monitoring. You can turn on / off the monitoring for individual domain names.
                                    Multiple email address notification, in case your EMAIL server is down together with web site. 
More information:       Added the Webpage load time, let you know how fast your webpage text is loaded from various domain names and route.
Enhanced redirection detection:     improved JavaScript decoding, improve Frame decoding etc.

For any enquiry, we welcome you to contact us
Tel : (852) 2527 3993
Fax : (852) 2527 8081
Email : [email protected]

WebSite : www.cnrhk.cn / www.cnrhk.hk / www.cnrhk.asia

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性