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The provision of professional network services, dedicated servers, web hosting solution

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-03-24 刊登者: Etek Consultant
An established Internet Consultant company formed in 2002.

We have a strong background in Internet technology, programming and software design which allows us to understand your needs quickly, accurately and effectively. Our main aim is to blend new technology with customer concern and will, making our solutions useful from your perspective. We have an enviable client list and a reputation for business solutions that really work.

We are happy to offer a free initial consultation

To explore your requirements and needs. Advise you on Internet business strategy, recommend a suitable solution for your needs, custom solutions regarding the design process and total cost.

Offers a wide range of value-added, cost-effective dedicated server, colocation services and website hosting solutions including both open source and Microsoft based options. Our open source offerings include Linux/BSD servers running Apache web servers, which may utilize PHP, MySQL, Perl, and other open source technologies.

Company address:

Rm 704 Fortress Tower 250 King's Road, North Point Hong Kong

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性