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你是否因善忙而忘記了你的 iPhone 4 的開鎖密碼?

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-04-11 刊登者: gavin

你是否因善忙而忘記了你的 iPhone 4 的開鎖密碼? 如果你是採用基本的4個數字的密碼, 尋回密碼的成功率接近 100%!

你的 iPhone 4 可以沒有 JB 過, 但電話的操作系統需是 iOS 4.3 – 5.0.1, Sleep Home 鍵必須是操作正常.  解鎖時間約1小時.

收費: HK$580.
不成功, 不收費.

如有需要, 請電郵到 [email protected] 查詢.

Did you accidentally forget your iPhone 4's log in passcode?  If you are using the basic 4 digits passcode, then the chance of recovering it is almost 100%!

Your iPhone 4 does not have to be jailbroken, but it should be running iOS 4.3 - 5.0.1, and both the Sleep and Home buttons have to be working properly.  It takes around 1 hour to recover the passcode.

My fee is HK$580.  I won't charge anything if I could not recover the passcode.

If you should need my service, please email me at [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性