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onFlyer.com world classified Ads for everyone

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-03-10 刊登者: onFlyer.com
onFlyer ( http://www.onFlyer.com/ ) is the first online classified Ads platform for everyone comes from the world.

Founded in 2006, onFlyer is created by experienced auctioneers and traders, who found charges of web-based auction site and other similars are going unreasonable high and it is difficult to gather all potential buyers due to the fact that there are too many of these sites and competitors.

Today, onFlyer enables a more powerful web-based platform for promote goods and services in reasonable and efficient environment in classified Ads-style.

Our mission is to help everyone from the world share and express their ideas in no boundaries.
This is the original meaning of Internet is developed for.

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