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Server co-loction service

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-07-19 刊登者: DotCom People Ltd
Services : Web Hosting
Posted by admin / 1. January 1970, 07:59

Connected with telco-grade International Carrier, we provide professional server co-location and virtual web hosting services in Hong Kong, China and USA, with multi-platform industry-grade facilitis.

  1. Server co-loction service

    • Industry-grade data center
    • 100M port to local and Interntional backbone
    • Basic firewall services
    • 24 x 7 monitoing system

    HK$1000 / p.m. or up

  2. Virtual web hosting (Enterprise)

    • Choice of service location (Hong Kong/China/USA)
    • Choice of hosting server Operaion Sytem (Unix/Windows)
    • 200M data storage, unlimited bandwidth
    • 1 POP Email accoun and unlimited email forwarding
    • 24 x 7 monitoring, daily backup;
    • Support mySQL/MSSQL

    $HK$1800 / p.a. or up

  3. Virtual web hosting (Ecomonic)

    • Choice of service location (Hong Kong/China/USA)
    • Choice of hosting server Operaion Sytem (Unix/Windows)
    • 100M data storage, unlimited bandwidth
    • 1 POP Email accoun and 10 email forwarding
    • 24 x 7 monitoring, daily backup;

    HK$1000 / p.a. or up
Room 1019 Nan Fung Center 264-298 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong

8108 0036

George Chong

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性