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Joomla CMS 專家

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-08-16 刊登者: Top Legend Technology
  • What is Joomla CMS? 

    Joomla CMS is the friendliest open source web site creation software. It is a dynamic portal engine that manages sites with just a few pages to sites with thousands of pages. That is why it works well both for small personal websites and for large commercial web sites. Anyone can manage the content of a joomla web site very easily, directly on the web. The person that manages the content with CMS does not need any knowledge in programming languages such as HTML, XML, DHTML. An online editor (WYSIWYG editor) is included to format the text and insert images. There is no need to upload documents with FTP programs. You can simply click on the “save” and “publish” buttons and your page will appear online.
    What are the advantages of Joomla CMS?

    - simple and unique Administration interface to manage web site content;
    - easy to set up and use;
    - easy to add content and images;
    - easy and flexible to create custom designs, using the template system;
    - designed with simplicity and flexibility for everyone. 

    For what type of websites is Joomla CMS suitable? 

    Joomla CMS can be used for many different types of Web sites. Some of them are:

    - Personal web sites
    - Non-Profit web sites
    - Commercial web sites
    - Intranet web sites
    - Integrated flash sites
    - Portals
    What is CMS?

    A Content Management System (CMS) is a combination of a database, File System, and other related software modules, which are used to store and retrieve huge amounts of data. CMS is different from the databases as it can index audio clips, video clips, or images in a database. CMS users can find content from the database by searching for keywords, authors, date of creation, etc. CMS can also be used to create information portals for data management. The CMS modules also allow for contribution of information to a website via a graphical user interface (GUI). 
    CMS stores the electronic files and web content of an organization so that the employees of the company can use the information across different applications. The web content can also be distributed to customers and business partners outside the organization. Web Content management system enables you to establish people without technical knowledge to publish and update their own content using simple browser-based tools.
    Joomla Hosting

    If you wish to use Joomla, you will need web space for your site. This webspace is called 'web hosting'. The choice of your web hosting provider is a decision on which depends the future of your site. There are several issues you need to be aware of, when you choose your host:

    1. Experienced technical support
    2. Compatibility with Joomla requirements
    3. Reliable servers

    If you have interested about it, feel free to contact us anytime.  We have a special plan for users, and the best tech support around. 

    For Details Contact Us at :-
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (852) 3106 0566
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