1. 88DB
  2. 手機電腦互聯網
  3. 域名及雲端管理

FingerBox.com is committed to provide excellent Information Technology services at competitive price

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-06-02 刊登者: Fingerbox.com

FingerBox.com is committed to provide excellent Information Technology services at competitive prices. We have been in business since 1996, firstly in System Development, then move into domain related services and Information Technology solution. 


Growth with technology, FingerBox represents a new look. Integrate with up-to-date equipment and accumulated technical knowledge. As an information technology service provider, we possess extensive experience in serving both the business as well as the individual.


We understand that information technology is not only limited to how much you know about technology, Our believe of information technology service is about people.

Our attitude is responsible and trust-worthy.

Our Objective is to provide our client with “Cost Competitive and Stable Solution”, we help the business in building up their confident in technology.

Our Strategy is customer oriented, we aim to build up long term business partner relationship with our client.

Working as a team, we are confident in technology. Our experienced team members are taking separate role to carry out the various duties including building our own data centre, servers, systems maintenance, and day to day supporting functions.


To our existing customer, wider range of service is now available in FingerBox.com. For new customer, we hope our services can enhance your business even further.
If you are interested in our services, please contact our sales department. 
 Tel: (852) 2600-5111
 Fax: (852) 2690-0821
 Email: [email protected]

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