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  3. 域名及雲端管理

Virtual Web Hosting help to establish an Internet presence in a fast and easy way

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-02-29 刊登者: CyberChannel

Virtual Web Hosting

What is Virtual Web Hosting

Virtual Web Hosting is one that can help your company to establish an Internet presence in a fast and easy way using minimal resources. With such service, you need not employ professionals to set up web servers and dedicated links for Internet presence. Instead, we will help to take care of all these technical things while you can concentrate on exploring various business opportunities via internet.

Benefits to Your Business

  • As a means for introducing your company, products and services to both local and world- wide customers.
  • Seeking more business opportunities by providing an on-line real-time means for your potential customer to place enquiry/quotation via email or fax day and night automatically.
  • Very low cost but potential advertizing channel compared with other media.
  • Site access statistics can help identify customer preferences, sales and marketing trend.
  • Helping to improve and promote corporate image.

Services Packages
Service typeIncluded packagesSetup & Monthly fees
BeginnerOne FTP account
One POP email account
One email alias account
Unlimited number of web pages
3MB storage disk space
Free email account/alias setup
Free domain name application (.hk or .com) *
Free world-wide search-engine registration

Very Attractive !!!

NormalOne administrative account
Three POP email accounts
Three email alias accounts
Unlimited number of web pages
5MB storage disk space
One web page counter
One mail form
Free email account/alias setup
Free domain name application (.hk or .com) *
Free world-wide search-engine registration

Very Competitive !!!

PremiumOne administrative account
Five POP email accounts
Five email alias accounts
Unlimited number of web pages
10MB storage disk space
One web page counter
Web page statistical report (hits / data transfer)
One mail form
Background music
Free email account/alias setup
Free domain name application (.hk or .com) *
Free world-wide search-engine registration

Very Competitive !!!

*It does not include the registration fee charged by CUHK in case of .hk domain name (HK$ 200 once-off) or INTERNIC in case of .com domain name (US$ 35 per annum with min. period of 2 years).

Further Information
Please contact our sales team at 2375-4341 or email to us at
[email protected].

Our website:
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性