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Martin Tong *湯sir* 專補物理(DSE, GCE, IAL),數學(DSE, GCE, IAL),M1,M2。 Physics , maths

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2023-08-02 刊登者: Martin Tong


Martin Tong *湯sir* 專補物理(DSE, GCE, IAL),數學(DSE, GCE, IAL),M1,M2。中大物理系榮譽學士,親考DSE Compulsory maths + M2 全取5**,十年經驗,1對1私人教授或小組上課,創立網上教學平台,學生多升讀本地或英國一級學府如港大,中大,科大,Imperial College London 等

Martin Tong

CUHK, Bachelor of science, major in physics (Honour)

從事本地(DSE, CE, AL)及外地(GCE) 的物理和各數學相關科目教學工作逾10年

親身應考DSE compulsory maths + M2 並全取5**



  • 物理不應亦不能以死記硬背的方式學習,Martin Tong 着重和擅於改變學生學習物理的思維,從而令每位學生不再在學習物理時停滯不前。
  • 不少學習物理的學生只靠背公式來應付考試,結果當然極不理想。事實上,大部分物理公式會於考試提供,這說明只知公式而不知背後因果關係一定毫無作用。所以,理解公式背後的概念才是學習物理的重點。
  • 大部分覺得物理科困難的學生都會被自己於日常生活上的體會所誤導,結果不自覺地固執的拒絕接受正確的物理概念,最後形成學習物理十分困難的假象。但其實適當和有技巧地反覆於試題中實踐所謂“困難”的物理概念,這些固執的偏見是可以消除的。其實學習high school physics



Brian Yeung
St. Paul's Co-educational College
BSc Mathematics, Imperial College London

Martin has been tutoring maths and physics for me between F3-F5, and with his help I achieved flying colours with my studies at St. Paul's Co-educational College (1st in maths and 3rd in physics in my class). Martin also prepared me adequately to take the GCE A-Level exams for university application in the UK, for which I achieved two A*s in maths and A in Physics.

With no doubt Martin is highly intelligent, experienced and capable tutor in physics and maths. He explains core concepts clearly and concisely, emphasises what specific techniques could be used and how they could be applied to solve problems. The fundamental understanding is very important in physics and maths, and Martin does this very well and methodically. He also runs a lot of practice with me together and make sure I do not have any gaps in understanding or to catch careless mistakes, which could be fatal in exams.  Lastly, he is a reliable and diligent tutor which made me feel very comfortable and confident when preparing for exams as he is there to support.

Eventually I was admitted by Imperial College London in the UK for maths studies at the age of 16. I owe Martin big, big thanks in equipping me with all the analytical skills that made me the success I am today!

Jack Lee
UK boarding school
Civil Engineering, Imperial College London

I studied in a UK boarding school following the GCE A-levels system. Martin tutored me in physics during that time. He demonstrated a deep and thorough understanding of the subject. He was able to explain complicated theoretical ideas in the most uncomplicated terms. Martin also tutored my younger brother. I observed that he adapted his teaching methods and vocabulary accordingly, encouraging and empowering his tutees to stay focused and interested in the session. I would recommend Martin to any tutees looking for a tutor who can deliver effectively. With Martin's help, I achieved A* (98.5% raw score) in my physics A-Level examination.

Natalie Chung 
Diocesan Girls’ School
B.Sc. in Environmental Science, CUHK

I am Natalie, currently pursuing MPhil in University of Oxford. I studied in a local high school and was severely lagging behind in my physics and mathematics scores. Martin was an encouraging tutor who prepared various thematic exercises to train my ability to handle different modules. He was able to identify my weaknesses and provided gaol-oriented training to me. He helped me restore my confidence in dealing with tricky mathematical questions in physics. There were special skills and short-cuts to increase in speed in answering MC questions as well. In the end, I achieved level 5** and 5* in HKDSE Mathematics and Physics respectively, which were much higher than my school’s predicted grade. Thank you Martin and I highly recommend him to those who wish to improve their physics and mathematics scores.

Sun Lok Leung
Queen’s College
Pharmacy, CUHK

我由升中六嘅暑假開始補湯sir,佢嘅教學模式非常考試導向,每一個大topic,e.g. Mechanics, optics, etc 佢都會從歷代CE/AL/DSE的題庫sort out一啲值得留意、tricky嘅問題,除左解釋清晰,佢教授嘅技巧都好實用,例如mechanics果啲比較複雜嘅 case(e.g. 幾架trolley、幾個bearing咁),佢會好清楚咁教我畫力圖、清concept。另外,加上佢AL同中大都修讀物理,一啲比較深奧、抽象嘅topic好似electromagnetism, atomic world, 理解透徹之餘,亦都好識抽重點教。臨dse衝刺時真係好多謝佢嘅教導。最後成功係Physics攞到5*,入讀中大藥劑。

Hin Li
Ho Fung College
Electrical and electronic engineering, HKU

中四中五果陣, 初初接觸M2同phy真係搞到我一舊雲咁, 多得Martin悉心嘅教導, 除咗令我對數學M2同phy興趣提升之外, 中學呢三科成績大躍進, DSE亦拎到相當滿意嘅成績, 我哋亦建立咗亦師亦友嘅關係. 可惜最後因為語文科唔合格而升唔到大學。到到我讀緊HKU SPACE EEE 嘅時候, 我喺Applied Electromagnetics呢個course遇到大量嘅phy問題, 於是我又找了Martin幫忙, 他phy根基打得十分好, 最終令我Applied Electromagnetics 考到A+的成績, CGPA亦拉高至3.8/4.0,  成功考入HKU Engineering. 我真係好想搵個機會答謝Martin!!

Jacky Lai
Australian International School Hong Kong, Epsom College
University of Nottingham (LLB Law)

Martin is an extremely down-to-earth and approachable tutor. His professionalism and patience during lessons creates a supportive environment for students to ask questions and learn. His teaching is clear, structured and simple to understand. In particular, I appreciated his ability to break down different concepts, enabling me to gain a better understanding of each topic. I am happy to recommend him as a private tutor.


Ka Chun Chow
Buddhist Tai Hung College
Industrial engineering and logistics management, HKUST

第一年的DSE時,只會操練past paper,對於數學延伸科及物理科上,未能完全掌握箇中原理,所以最後成績未如理想。但之後得到Martin的幫忙,補習時大多時間改變操練方式,從基本原理入手,化繁為簡,先了解題目,先思考後作答的方式能夠讓我能夠有信心處理不同類型題目!到第二年重考時,有足夠的基本功及信心應付,最終成功入選科技大學工程系。

DSE (1st attempt) Compulsory maths 4, M2 4, Physics 4
DSE (2nd attempt) Compulsory maths 5*, M2 5, Physics 5


Tina Lee
St. Mary's Canossian College
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Radiography, Poly U

Before Martin tutored me in Physics and Mathematics in F.5, I often found physics questions perplexing and faced difficulty in understanding key concepts such as mechanics. Not only was Martin familiar with all the topics himself, but he was also highly skilled in presenting complex ideas precisely and making them easier for me to understand by visualizing physics concepts. By incorporating past paper questions with theoretical explanations in his tutorials, I was able to quickly grasp the skills to solve questions methodically and regained confidence. With Martin’s guidance, my results improved significantly with level 4 in physics as predicted in F.4 to achieving 5* in both Physics and Mathematics in HKDSE. I am very grateful for Martin’s help along my DSE preparation and would definitely recommend having him as a private tutor to students who aim to learn physics and maths in a more effective way.



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