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Foreigner teaches one-to-one English conversation courses in Kowloon, HK.英語課程 學英語 西人英語會話

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-03-31 刊登者: English conversation, job interview, dating courses by a western tutor

See Chinese below after the English... (英語課程 學英語 學英文 西人英語會話)

Foreigner tutor teaches English conversation courses for adults and secondary school students in Kowloon, in Hong Kong in one-to-one and small group classes.

The English tutor helps you improve your oral communication skills (speaking, listening, pronunciation), the accuracy of your grammar and vocabulary.

The teacher has more than 14 years English teaching experience with Hong Kong people. He understands that some students are shy and he makes the lessons easy, entertaining and effective.

For advanced level students there are interesting topics like success in career, dating, stress management and how to improve your mind, self-confidence and leadership skills or practice job interview.

Price, location and other information is on our web site,


 One-on-one job interview workshop in English with an experienced tutor

 Preparing well for a job interview is a profitable long term investment in your career. It gives you decisive advantage against unprepared candidates whether you are seeking employment or promotion at your company. You may find a job faster and with more salary if you present yourself in a professional way during the job interview.

 In our one-to-one job interview workshop I will teach you how to generate more interview opportunities, how to prepare for the interview and how to think and behave when you are there and how to follow up.

 You can bring your resume / CV, an application letter (cover letter) and I will give suggestions how to improve them. You can also bring some job advertisements for the positions that are similar to the one you want. (Did you know that the word resume is used in American English while CV or Curriculum Vitae in British English?)


以個別教授 (一對一或一至三人小組)形式學習英文,好處是為有需要的人士度身訂造之英語課程,令學生有更多機會去聽和說英文,可以更專注改善自己英語的文法和發音。
外籍老師巳擁有超過14年教授英語經驗, 適合在職人士(成人)、中小學生,既可改進你英語溝通能力,(說話方面, 聆聽方面, 英語拼音, 英文發音) 亦可使自己的英文文法更準確。

  英語課程 學英語 學英文 西人英語會話

詳情請瀏覽 www.englishlessonhk.com 會有上課時間表, 學費及其他資料


Job interview




 你可以帶來你的履歷表和求職信,我會提出建議,幫助你去改善, 你也可以帶來類似與你想要做職位的工作廣告。 (你知道履歷表 resume 一詞是美式英語, CV or Curriculum Vitae 是英式英語嗎?)
