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【鋼琴樂理教學】♫考試比賽前夕雞精班 速成班 急救班 ☆♪

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-12-28 刊登者: Amy Leung Studio
    梁婉薇老師 88DB com.hk  Event,Community,Lunch,
    全港兒童銅琴。 管弦樂及敲擊樂大師寶 K. KAWAJ .hk  Recital,Piano,Pianist,Musical instrument,Event
    .hk  Event
    .hk  Technology,Pianist,Room,Event,Electronic device

☆比賽評委 超過十五年經驗 耐心盡責 熱誠教學  


piano,pianist,keyboard,musical instrument,player pianopiano,keyboard,player piano,musical instrument,pianistpiano,pianist,stage,player piano,keyboard

鋼琴樂理 考試比賽前夕雞精班 速成班 急救班 
考試/比賽前想找大師上上雞精班 、速成班? 
考美國音樂學院要考AP thoery 找不到老師教?


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√ Exam/Competition oriented master class 考試比賽前大師班


√  Grade 1 to Grade 8 /ARSM/ATCL/dipABRSM/LTCL/LRSM Piano 私人教授各級鋼琴 

√  Music Theory 5級/8級樂理/AP Theory

√ Aural Traning 聽音訓練

√ Programme Notes Writing 指導撰寫樂曲解說 

√ Viva voce Training

 √ 各音樂比賽和考試伴奏

√ 婚禮伴奏


·     香港中文大學音樂系二級甲等(榮譽)文學士

·     被列入香港中文大學文學院(音樂)院長榮譽錄 (deans list)

.  音樂成績優秀,獲頒發盧巨川獎學金其中鋼琴獨奏科以High-distinction(最高榮譽)畢業

.  獲邀出任第五屆(2015)香港國際鋼琴邀請賽評委

. 第二十屆香港(2018) -亞洲鋼琴公開比賽評委



.  自小於香港演藝學院主修鋼琴,接受專業音樂訓練

·     英國皇家音樂學院高級專業演奏文憑(LRSM) 及演奏級 (dipABRSM)

·     英國聖三一音樂學院ATCL演奏

·     師承多位香港著名鋼琴家包括蔡祟力先生及陳莉華女士

·    獲香港音樂家協會劉詩昆先生頒發 "優秀鋼琴教師獎"

·   獲港青音樂協會頒發 《作育英才嘉許獎》

·     多次以獨奏及合奏形式,在本港及外地作公開演奏 

·     香港鋼琴教師協會(HKPTA)成員

·     逾十五年教授經驗,學生包括現職鋼琴老師及音樂系學生

· 多名學生考進美國音樂學院  香港演藝學院主修鋼琴 中文大學音樂系 浸會大學音樂 香港教育學院修讀鋼琴教學 或已投入學鋼學育工作

 · 國際學校學生考獲該校音樂獎學金獲全數免學費

·學生往世界各地如美國 捷克參加國際性鋼琴比賽 獨奏與及管弦樂團合奏 

·     學生屢次在校際音樂節中獲冠軍及於考試中獲取Distinction

. 上課用琴: 演奏廳適用的專業系列三角琴


Miss Leung 
graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts in music with Upper Second-Class Honors. With outstanding performance in music, she was placed on the Deans List and recieved Lo Kui Chuen Music Scholarship in 2007. 
Recommended by Mrs. Nancy Lo, she entered the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts at the age of seven and started her formal and professional music training. She receives her piano training with Mr. Choi Sown Le, one of the leading pianists in Hong Kong. Leung was a holder of LRSM of the Royal Schools of Music in piano. She was invited to be the jury member of the Fifth (2015) Hong Kong International Piano Invitation Competition and The 20th Hong Kong -Asia Piano Open Competition. She is currently appointed as Adminstration Officer of the Hong Kong Piano Music Association.
She is patient and enthusiastic about music education. She has taught piano and theory for 15 years and her students won numbers of prizes in the Schools Music Festival and other piano competitions.

 musical instrument,piano,keyboard,string instrument,string instrument






二級鋼琴考試 - 142分 High Distinction 

五級鋼琴考試 - 136分,130分  Distinction 

七級鋼琴考試 - 139分(一個七歲小女孩的成績)、 130分

八級鋼琴考試 - 再有3 位學生創新高144 分,143分及140分 


英國皇家音樂學院<100分滿分, 70分distinction,40分pass>


最新出爐 愈教愈強:

☆☆LRSM distinction 70 ☆☆(與學生共創的頂尖佳績0


英國聖三一倫敦音樂學院 <100分滿分, 80分distinction, 60分pass>

LTCL 演奏文憑  最高78

ATCL 演奏文憑 最高83 distinction


英國倫敦音樂學院 <100分滿分, 85分distinction, 75分merit, 65分pass>

 dimLCM  88分 distinction

校際音樂節 (自54屆起學生屢獲獎項):

2019年 「第71屆校際音樂節」:兩冠 一亞 三季

2018年「第70屆校際音樂節」:級組亞軍及 四級組季
2017年「第69屆校際音樂節」:七級組 及 級組冠軍及 級組季軍
2016年「第68屆校際音樂節」:一級組冠軍 及 中國歌亞軍
2014年「第66屆校際音樂節」:三級組冠軍 及八級組亞軍 
2012年「第64屆校際音樂節」:一級組冠軍 及 季軍  - 二級季軍 
2010年「第62屆校際音樂節」 : 中國歌初冠軍  七級冠軍   
2009年「第61屆校際音樂節」 : 中國歌中冠軍 -
 雙鋼琴中季軍 級組季軍

2016 Hong Kong Youth Music Competition  兒童初B組冠軍
2015 Hong Kong Youth Professional Piano Competition 兒童初級組冠軍
2015 Hong Kong Youth Barclampory Music Festival 五級
2014年 香港青少年鋼琴比賽 兒童B組冠軍
2014年「愛我中華第六屆國際青少年音樂藝術節」- 鋼琴獨奏金獎
2014 Hong Kong Youth Barclampory Music Festival 七級
2013 Hong Kong Youth Barclampory Music Festival 巴洛克鋼琴作品組季軍
2012年第十三屆香港(亞太區)鋼琴大賽 少年中級第五名
2009 11th Hong Kong (Asia Pacific) Grieg and Bartok Piano Competition 七級第五名





@A @ A Graded music exam Candidate Presertea oy CHIU PAND Grade 2 Marks 2 5 30 10et Sceles and arpe nacconpanied gteodin and transposition) /8 21 14) Aural tes s 8 112) dditional comments Masimu Pass 150 110 Tes form record, the result of rmam held or impa tera 12 Ela nir. , ¡91 1561001,text,music,handwriting,paper,lineGraded music exam Sand date Dresented by Subject ABRSM PIANO Grade Marks 30 12 35 901 Scales and arpeggios asil, ←24min Sight-resdng and srarspesitioniA 1141 4ng Soraf tests IS 18 112) ccotona, commen ung @A un Pass Distinctiorn 1 100 Le 130 hisfum teonts ihelidit af an edam ,held an 17Augus. 2012 Examiner curs ongsny segisarad with limited labiity in England and Wales Na. 1926355 fiegiete ed as s Charity No 292182,text,music,handwriting,paper,documenteung @ Amy Leung ng in CHAN Candidate Presented by Subject MAND 83 C2 nbut much of plggete anl Group 1 ㅡ.warmisowi..myī adm 4 k)一ㄧ !! quick study Aural tests is,text,handwriting,document,paper,material

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62 WINNER 優勝者,day,product,shoulder,smile,girlpiano,day,keyboard,digital piano,musical instrument38DB.com,day,product,friendship,fun,eventproduct,girl,

第一名,product,girl,68 ONG KONG Se MUSIC a SCHOOLS FESTIVAL WINNER,day,product,snapshot,keyboard,electronic device

my Leung @Amy Leung @Amy Leung Amy Leung SAmy my Leung DAmy Le Amy 54" HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第五十四屆香港學校舟樂節 presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Asocation Amy g Amy Leung Amy Entry No. 4 Class Nono:E107B Competitor : Lam Piece/Tide : №. 23 ne bancing Peasaas (A mimor , without cepeat) . Charles Thoice my Leung Amy Leung Amy LeungA 分数 Marks tf. T、Rar得獎者,sti獲得80tr或以1 No placing will he awarded ander S0 marks. G3 箔火 ist 注意: N.B.:  my Leung Amy Leung Amy Leung DAmy L,text,document,paper,handwriting,material958th HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第五十八屆香港學校音樂 Presentedi by Hong hong Schools Musk and Speech Association et 節 Class Code E100 No.:20 Member.000012 Groupg A: 8 Class Description m-Grade one : Piano Solo Honour Ment HE Competitor Leung Piece/Title Minuet-Henry Purceli 75-79% nuficieky 好 分取 Marks ibil : isf , its、孚罩得獎者,必1ǐ獲得80分或以1: N.B.: No Placing wili be awarded under 80 marks 名次 Place Dr. Chi Ying Hung "Marks Place" being stamped means competitors have violated raguistion No. 1,text,paper,document,line,font55th HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第五十五屆香港學校,各樂節 presented by Hong kong Schools Music and Speech Association No.:1 Area Class No. 110 Group 1 Competitor Lam PieceTitle :-Cana aseta Op183 Ne40 . Reinecke : NTE 75 .Tws Proficiency 分數 Marks 注意:冠、亞、季軍得獎者, 獲得80 meit t N.B.: No placing will be ovarded ender 80 marks 9ス /5 名次 しPlace yi,text,handwriting,paper,font,document56 HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第五十六屆香港學校音樂節 by Home Kong Echeols Masic ond Spsch Ass ciation 酓港举北青槃及炕誦區會 : NTE No.:42 Area Class No. 112 Group Competior Lam Piece/TitleFais-Telonute 分數 注意:冠-亞. FIr得獎者, eses獲得80静或以上. N.B:No placing will be awnrded uader 80 marks 名次 Place Ms. Babara Rowan  申領証書詳情請看背頁 ;,text,handwriting,paper,document,lineOAmy Leung OA İ) 62ND HONG KONG SCHOOLS MIUSIC FESTIA 屆普為学权首樂節 Amy Leung GAmy Leung CAmy Leung GAm @Am OAmy Le Order 'lug: y Leun 24 GAmy Leung Amy CAmy Leung CAmy GAmy y Leung GAmy g CAmy Leung CAmy Grade Seven CompetitorLem eun g GAmy Leung ung GAmy Leung CAm CAmy Leung GA @Amy Leung GAmy Leung CAmy Leung Marks 分 my Leung GA No placin is awarded to compcritors seoc ing beiow 50 maks Amy Leung GAmy Leung @Amy L CAmy Leung Amy Leung @Amy CAmy Leung CAmy Leung Amy Amy Leung. Amy Leung/Amy Leung ©Amy Leung GAmy LeungAmy Leung eung Amy Leung Amy LeungAmy LeurgeAny Leu OAmy Leung Amy L Amy Leung Any ©Amy Leung ©Amy Leung Amy Leung @Amy Leung Amy Amy Leung Amy Leunig @Amy L @Amy Leung Amy Leung GAmy Leung GAmy Leung GAmy Leurig @Amy Leung CAmy Leung GAmy Leun ©Amy Leung ⓒAmy Leung ⓒAmy Leung ©Amy Leung ⓒAmy ©Amy Leung ⓒAmy Leung CAmy Leung ©Amy Leung CAmy Leung Amy Leung @Amy Leung GAmy Leung ©Amy Leung CAmy Leung ⓒAmy Leung ⓒAmy Leung CAmy Amy Leung CAmy Leung Amy Leung CAmy Loung 880 eformanc ot me con.pe,text,handwriting,document,paper,fontCAmy Leung AmydeYPSN ©Amy ©Amy OAmy ©Army CAmy Leung t-at un 邹バ1. 으脳雀港学权音樂笚 İ M.IT, 야 i : ,,ovn 2冫1.) teung CAmy Leung 香港季校卡樂及朗譕婘會主, ne ©Amy ung Amy Leung GAmy Leung CAmy Class項目 : E144 Leung ⓒAmy Leung ⓒAmy ©Amy Leung ⓒAmy Leu - Piano Selr Chinese Compceers ng ⓒAmy Leung CAmy urlio: ©Amy Leung g ⓒArmy Leung (Amy Leung ny Leung Leung Cnaperer Amy Losing 90. 100 marks分 Hoon 75-9 marks Pmy A Marks OAm CAmy Leung (Amy Leung CAmy Leung ©Amy Leung Yo nlaeing31w.mtee' te nnTeems r. "men l belem eりisa, ks 名次 GAmy Leung ⓒAmy Leung ©Amy Leung CAmy ©Amy Leung ©Amy Leung ⓒ ©Amy Leung ⓒAmy 1 GAmy Leung @Amy GAmy Leung Amy @Amy Leung Amy Leuhig OAmy Leung @AmyL ©Amy Leung ©Amy L CAmy Leung CAmy L OAmy Leung ©Amy L GAmy Leung Amy Leung Amy Leung @Amy Leung CAmy Leung CAmy Leung CAmy Leung Amy Leung lice ou y Leung DA Amy Leung ©Amy Leung ⓒAmy Leung CAmy GAmy Leung CAmy L CAmy Leung GAmy @Amy Leung GAmy Leung GAmy Leung Amy Leung DAmy Leung @Amy Leung Amy Leung GAmy Leung @Amy Leung DAmy Leung GAmy Leung GAmy Leung ©Amy ©Army y Leung OAmy CAmy Leung GAmy Leung Dr Xiac Hu Adjucicator ng,text,document,line,font,paper


Schools WINNER Grade Five Piano Solo TOM LEE MEDAL 通利琴行 TOM LEE,compact disc,circle,


 聯絡:  Miss Leung



聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性