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  3. 音樂課程 - 管弦樂

Edwin Lam, Violin Teacher/Viola Teacher 小提琴老師/中提琴老師

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2022-06-08 刊登者: edwinxviola 已驗證

Edwin Yu Fung Lam


在學時獲多位國際知名音樂家指導,排名不分先後包括,Richard Pontzious, James Judd, Jay Li, Michael Ma, Ivan Chan, Robert Venron, Stanley Konopka等等,獲益良多,希望能不負所教,傳承至新世代學子。
畢業至今已過7年寒暑,經驗尚未稱得上十分豐富,也有數分把握及閱歷,期望學生能培養出穩健的基本功,學習欣賞古典音樂之美,通過提琴接觸世界,訓練手眼腦協調,在音樂中暢遊。曾獲邀於各種公開場合中演奏提琴,曾合作機構包括Musica Viva, Musicus, Gustav Mahler Orchestra, City Chamber of HK, Hong Kong String Orchestra 等等。演奏曲目除了傳統古典管弦曲目外,還有涵蓋了歌劇演出,爵士樂,粵語流行曲等曲風。

Edwin Lam graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). Studied with Mr Ray Tsoi. Obtained the Bachelor degree in Music with several scholarship, which included the Grantham Scholarship, HKSAR Government Scholarship and Y.S. Liu Foundation Scholarship.
Edwin was the part of the Asian Youth Orchestra in the year of 2013 and 2014, touring in major city in Asia during summer time. A year after, he went to Kent Blossom Music Festival and performed as a chamber musician with various musician across the States.
He now worked as a freelance musician and instrumental teacher upon graduation. Since then, he had worked under baton of various world renowned conductors. Such as James Judd, Ken-David Masur, Brett Mitchell and etc. And accompanied famous musician such as Steven Isserlis, Vadim Repin, Sarah Chang and etc. Along with different orchestra which included Hong Kong String Orchestra, City Chamber of Hong Kong, Gustav Mahler Orchestra, Philharmonia APA, etc. And various opera productions, which included << Turandot >> , << Madame Butterfly >>, <<Merry Widow>> and << La Boheme >> ,<< Carmen >> with Musica Viva and Hong Kong Virtuosi, <<Don Pasquale>> with Musica Viva and Gustav Mahler Orchestra, and <<Sour Angelica & Gianni Schicchi>> by Giacometti Puccini with Opera Hong Kong.
Edwin has been teaching in multiple organizations and associations. He has been the Orchestra Assistant of the Student Orchestra of the Hong Kong Music Academy, String orchestra conductor of the Kowloon True Light Middle School(Primary Section), and String Orchestra Assistant of the DGJS. And in various school’s instrumental classes, which included the St. Paul College Primary School, St. Hilary’s Primary School, TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School and PLK Chan Yat Primary School.
Image credits are for my friends and other organisation which includes the Musicus Society, Hong Kong String Orchestra, Opera Hong Kong, Gustav Mahler Orchestra.

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