1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 消閒興趣 - 其他課程


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-05-12 刊登者: 故鄉茶園 Homeland Tea Garden

故鄉茶園 - Homeland Tea Garden

飲茶你知我知 ……..


你曾否在飲茶後,有不舒服的感覺? 是否茶的質量不好? 還是..…?


據體質的不同、季節的不同以及地域的不同來選用不同的茶葉; 利用各種茶的特性讓人的身體達到平和健康,同時也達到防病與治未病的效果。享受簡單健康的泡茶過程樂趣 ,改變自己心境界,遠離日常生活、工作和學習中的煩惱,達到養生的目的。 選擇適合你體質的簡單,健康,養生茶飲。


故鄉茶園提供 :

* 個別教授或自組茶藝班 , 評茶班, 茶藝服務, 活動策劃, 茶文化之旅, 茶葉禮品零售批發及禮品訂製。

* 因應學校/公司/機構/組織的獨特需要,設計合適課程和服務。

* 導師可用粵語/國語/英語授課。



導師簡介: 陳笑薇 (Ms May Chan)

* 顧問兼導師  Tea Consultant & Instructor

* 高級茶藝師 (中華人民共和國國家職業資格証)  

* 高級評茶員 (中華人民共和國國家職業資格証)     

* 香港浸會大學 (中醫藥學院) - 中醫飲食養生證書

* 香港浸會大學 (中醫藥學院) - 中醫茶飲養生證書

China National Tea-Artist  (Third Level/Senior Skill Level) , Occupational Qualification Cert., The Peoples Republic of China

China National Tea-Taster (Third Level/Senior Skill Level) , Occupational Qualification Cert., The Peoples Republic of China

Hong Kong Baptist University (School of Chinese Medicine) Cert. in: Chinese Medicine Nutritional Studies for Health Preservation 

Hong Kong Baptist University (School of Chinese Medicine) Cert. in: Chinese Medicine Tea Studies for Health Preservation 


導師 :陳笑薇 (May Chan) 接受訪問

Our Tea Instructor  (Ms May Chan) interview by :

(1) 「新城電台知訊台99.7」接受訪問


主持:思敏、Alan袁灝謙  / 嘉賓主持: Dorothy黃茵
節目時間:下午2:00 - 4:00

Part 1: http://testmp3.http.akamai-trials.com/…/997_201603021400.mp3

Part 2: http://testmp3.http.akamai-trials.com/…/997_201603021430.mp3

Part 3: http://testmp3.http.akamai-trials.com/…/997_201603021500.mp3

Part 4: http://testmp3.http.akamai-trials.com/…/997_201603021530.mp3


(2) 接受主持Esther Lee (李佩妍) 訪問

(a) Youtube - [相聚一刻]ep104 Part 1/2/3 – 飲對茶?飲錯茶?      

Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp2jAGvAOeQ

Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_Obckmm_DY

Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWS15cUg9JM

 (b) Youtube - [相聚一刻]ep106 Part 1/2/3 – 飲得茶多茶庇佑





We know a lot about Tea ……..

Have you considered whether this tea brand you are brewing matches with your physical condition? 

Have you ever feel uncomfortable after drinking tea? Tea Quality ? Or ...?

Come explore the above issues with us in the Homeland Tea Garden. Choose the Right Tea for yourself and enjoy the Simplicity, Health and Life Preservation it brings.

Drinking different types of tea according to one own physical conditions, the seasonal changes and regional differences, the various characteristics and nature of tea would bring health and peace to your body whilst achieving health preservation. Enjoying the simple pleasure of tea brewing would change your state of mind, relieve you from the pressure and agony of work, and ultimately fulfill the purpose of life preservation.

Homeland Tea Garden provide: 

- Tea Appreciation Class • Tea Accreditation Services • Tea Art Services • Event Planning • Tea-Culture Tourism • Retail & Wholesales • Tourist attraction • Tea Workshop 
- Except Tea Appreciation Class for Children to Adult, we also provide customized designed Tea Tasting / Tea Art Event Planning & Gift items for School/Company/ Organization. 

- Tutor conduct by Cantonese/Mandarin/English



電話/Tel: (852) 2127 7928 

電郵/E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.facebook.com/homelandteagarden

《敬請預約》《by appointment only》

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