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  3. 消閒興趣 - 其他課程

Our goal is to provide fun, stimulating educational programs for children.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-04-08 刊登者: Active Kids
About ActiveKids
Our goal is to provide fun, stimulating educational programs for children. In today's global environment where information and ideas flow and evolve constantly, we aim to equip our children with the skills and desire to develop the love of life-long learning, so they will develop to be well-balanced, responsible individuals, poised to meet all the challenges ahead of them.

The Chess Academy will provide the most complete chess program for your children. Chess requires a good understanding of the game, competing, learning from mistakes and challenging oneself. Through this process, children will undoubtedly acquire invaluable skill sets such as developing stronger spatial reasoning, attention span, sportsmanship and confidence. Led by our experienced Head Coach, the program will certainly be fun, worthwhile and help build character in children.

Science Adventures Holiday Camps
Science Adventures is the original, highly regarded U.S. hands-on science camp educator and has been running camps all over the U.S. for the past 25 years (www.scienceadventures.com). We have been running these camps Hong Kong since early 2004, and the response has been tremendous. These camps will be identical to those if you were to join them in the U.S.!! Class size for our Holiday Camps will be about 20 kids with 2 intstructors; and students will be grouped according to their age and ability. For previous campers, I hope your child's experience was positive enough for you to consider signing up for another exciting science discovery. And for those new campers, there's no better way to learn about science than the FUN Science Adventures way!!

Besides focusing on children's mental growth, physical development is just as important. In this program, kids will get to learn about different team sports and active games (such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, dodge ball...) and participate in an organized format. Basic techniques will be taught by trained athletes, but the key is for kids to physically challenge themselves, learn the importance of teamwork and have FUN with the game!

ActiveKids Ltd
GPO Box 6471,
Hong Kong

Mobile: (852) 9178 7376
Fax: (852) 8143 0070
Email: [email protected]
web: http://www.activekidshk.com

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