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Our core programs, including our holiday and summer iCamps and Workshop Club

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-06 刊登者: Children's Technology Workshop

As most of us know, Thomas Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history. He is credited with numerous inventions that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. Perhaps a lesser-known fact is that Edison’s success simply owes to "His Curiosity to Create". As a child, Edison was curious about the world around him and always tried to teach himself through reading and experimenting.
Children's Technology Workshop believes that there is a part of Thomas Edison in every child - a seemingly unstoppable curiosity to create and experiment!! By providing a stimulating environment that nurtures the curiosity to create and experiment during their formative years, we can propel our children's natural learning abilities to their fullest potential.
According to the Ontario Early Years of Canada, children's formative early years are the most important period since they lay down the foundation to their future success and accomplishments.

In a recent article, 'Be in Your Right Mind', the author, Adrienne Fox exclaimed, "The global economy is moving toward the right side of the brain". At Children’s Technology Workshop, our programs strive to nurture left and right brain thinkers. The left hemisphere processes information intuitively while analyzing and building engineering models. The right side tends to put information together and meeting purpose while transforming Robotics models, creating Animations, designing Video Games and other scientific Engineering construction...

At Children's Technology Workshop (CTWorkshop), we realize that learning through play is essential to a child's full development, expanding horizons and enabling children to interact with the environment around them. Our workshop's learning environment emphasizes hands-on experiences that stimulate the curiosity to create.

Our core programs, including our holiday and summer iCamps and Workshop Club, afford young minds the opportunity to create their own video game, program a robot or two, direct and edit their own stop motion film, or build and modify a variety of LEGO creations. Students are empowered to author their experience and unleash their creativity!

電話:259 10 100
電郵:[email protected]
地址:Unit B, 1/F, 151-153 Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley , Hong Kong

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