1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 語言課程

日文導師 / Japanese tutor / teacher / 私人補習 / 日文語會話 / 日本文化

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-03-30 刊登者: Marcuschu_JT




To grasp a deep understanding of a country, doubtlessly the best way is to master its langauge and culture. This is especially true for Japanese that centers on relationship and status. That is something that a keen Japanese leaners should never ignore. 

資歷 / Qualifications 

擁有日本留學經驗 / Exchange experiences in Japan
壹零年新制一級日文資格 (只於兩年便拿到這成績) / Passed N1 JLPT within 2 years
香港大學日語課程甲等成績 / Aced all Japanese Language Courses in The University of Hong Kong
在日資公司擔任日本高層的傳譯等工作 / Interpretation Experiences for Senior Japanese Management
 岡山外語學院全優成績畢業 / Aced all language courses in Okayama Language institute 
多年私人教學.小班教學經驗 / Rich experiences in Private / Small Class Teaching

課程 / Courses
- 旅行日語班 (針對旅行用語,目標令學生短期學懂日常日語,旅行倡通無阻) 

Travel Japanese Course (Ideal for passionate trip goes in Japan)


(Regular Japanese course for foreign language enthusiasts) 

課程乎特 / Courses Features

- 小班教學 / Small Class Teaching
- 文化交流 / Courses consists of both language and culture learning 
 - 因應學生目標需求制定教學方法:我們會先和學生商談,根據其學日文的方向與時間,來制定一套剪裁課程,如對日本時裝有興趣的話,可在課程加入有關的單詞 / Tailor-made courses for different levels of students. For examples, fashion related vocabularies will be integrated into courses of fashion lovers.

- 可用英語上課 / Courses can be conducted in English

聯絡方法 / Contact us

- [email protected] / Marcus

*由於私隱關系,額外證明會於見面時出示 / References can be provided upon meeting because of the privacy 

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性