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  3. 語言課程

普通話水平測試一級乙等94.3分 , 可以說流利的廣東話及英語 ; 通繁、簡體字 , Native Mandarin speaker (PSC Test 94.3)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-06-23 刊登者: Happylearningmandarin

普通話水平測試一級乙等94.3分  (國家語委普通話認證水平考試 PSC)


可以說流利的廣東話及英語 ; 通繁、簡體字 ;了解中港文化。


現任國際幼稚園普通話老師 ,熱愛教學, 喜歡活動有趣的教學方式,有耐性。


A native Putonghua teacher has been working at IS who can speak both English and Chines, as well recognize both simplified and traditional characters. I was born in China, educated both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong. Aachieved the High score of 94.3 in the Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) which qualified as Grade A. PSC is a Standard Language Test in China, offering full accreditation for Putonghua teacher around the world.


Contact : 51102008

website :www.happylearningmandarin.com


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性