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☆★★-PSC一級水平普通話教師-☆★-北京教師-☆★-中英雙語教學-☆★-Mandarin A Level/Chinese

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-08-16 刊登者: Vickee



        本人是土生土長北京人,操標準普通話(絕不帶不該有的兒話音),畢業於澳洲及紐西蘭國立高等學府,榮獲行政管理大學本科及研究生證書,首次考國家語委及香港教育學院 普通話水平測試PSC) 就獲得一級證書。具有國內外(北京、香港、紐西蘭等)多年教授普通話經驗,能以純流利英語、純普通話或中英混合授課,讓學生在學習普通話過程中,提高自身的中英文水平。現今教授普教中李國寶中學和寶血會思源學校(小學部)及公司老闆和醫生等。Have completed SCRC check by HK police Force Identification Bureau.


通過對話和主題研究分析字、詞、句等語言概要,及善用一些有趣的親身經歷,包括多年的國外學習、工作、生活經歷,加上老北京的故事,來提高學生對學習普通 話的興趣,讓他們瞭解更多中外文化背景知識,開闊眼界從而提高個人質素。

        本人熱愛教育事業,對學生有耐心和愛心,深受家長信任及學生信赖。本人教學目標:通過學習和自身努力讓學生的普通話水平快速提高之餘,中英文水平也能同時得 到真正的提高。

I was born in Beijing City, speak super standard Mandarin without Peking accent. I graduated from National Universities from Aussie and New Zealand, reached Bcom and Postgrad. I've achieved Mandarin Proficency Test Level 1 as first try at Hong Kong Institute of Education. Gained many years of teaching Mandarin and English experiences in Mainland, HK and overseas, can also utilize both of the languages to be in class in order to assist my students improve their either English and Chinese Studies. In class, I would love to share some of real life experiences and stories that I 've acquired from overseas and ancient Beijing city with students in order to help them to enhance extra outward knowledge upon their interest.

I am enjoying my job, I am patient, enjoyable and eash going person. Thanks for those students' fami who have been supporting my job for these years. My goal is to sincerely hope that all of my students succussfully improve their English, Chinese and Mandarin Studies.

For English Studies (英文補習):

- Distinguishing direct from the inappropriate pronunciation between Cantonese and Mandarin (糾正發音)

- Assistant to analyze of the English Grammar in sentences as well as in paragraphs from native magazine or other sources (課文語法分析)

- More oral English conversation practice to improve your speaking capability. (對話口語訓練)



測查學生聲母、韻母、聲調讀音的標準程度,及變調、輕聲、兒化讀音的 標準程度。讀單音節字詞,詞語的排列等。避免語音錯誤,語音缺陷。掌握普通話量詞和名詞搭配的規範程度並掌握普通話語法的規範程度。朗讀短文中糾正語調偏 誤,停連不當,朗讀不流暢。看圖寫話,閱讀理解,作文句型運用的準確。



  1. Remember that every sort of language learning is a gradual process-- it does not happen overnight.
  2. Be patient with yourself-Make learning a habit, try to learn and gain something every day.
  3. Practice, practice, practice

錢: $260/小時起(依上課地點定奪)Price: HKD260 up (according to the location) 


授 課地點: 上門/貴公司/ 另議

聯 絡方法: 電郵: [email protected] WhatsApp:91890665 Refer to: Vickee 

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