1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 語言課程

l Theme-based music albums draw children naturally into language learning mode

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-03-26 刊登者: FuDa Mandarin Adventure (芙达儿童汉语)
About the “Florenda Chinese”

Florenda Chinese™ is the world’s first language course using MSML™, a teaching method implementing music, story scene, movement and language. MSML™ has combined the concepts of early artistic language pioneer, Winifred Mary Ward and children’s education champion, Maria Montessori with those of early education authority Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner.  Through creative stimulation of the auditory, visual and tactile senses as well as the powers of imagination and comprehension, the MSML™ teaching method realizes linguistic development and ultimately achieves the goal of language mastery.

28 theme-based music albums, serial storybooks and student take-home packages make learning language a thrilling and rewarding “FuDa Mandarin Adventure”.

l  Theme-based music albums draw children naturally into language learning mode

l  Serial storybooks displaying educational scenes captivate the children’s attention

l  Student take-home packages provide all learning materials for class and after-class use

    贝贝课程/Beibei class(0-18mos)
    毛毛课程/Maomao class(1.5-3yrs)
    芙达课程/FuDa class(3-6yrs)
    学习伙伴/Mandarin buddy
    假日探险/Holiday Adventure
    合家欢乐/Family Fun

Central Mandarin Classroom

No. 62 Wyndham Street, Central

Administration Office
Address: 13/F, Max Share Centre
No. 367 - 373, King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 8203 2883
Fax: (852) 8203 3800
Email: [email protected]
           [email protected]
web: http://www.florenda.com.hk/

Happy face.JPG 翻船.JPG

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