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  3. 語言課程

Learn English

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-01-03 刊登者: Illumination Station
Illumination Station
Call Arisa Today 9859 3923
B2, 2nd Floor, Block B, 105 Austin Road
Classes Begin January 17th
!!!All Classes Taught by Native English Teacher!!!

Primary School English

Reading and Vocabulary: Increase the student understanding of English and vocabulary through reading.Tuesdays 6 PM to 6:50 PM16 Classes / $3200
Writing:  Increase student ability to communicate ideas and creativity through writing.Tuesdays 7 PM to 7:50 PM16 Classes / $3200
Phonetics and Speaking:  Improve student ability to pronounce English words and communicate through speaking.Fridays 6 PM to 6:50 PM16 Classes / $3200
Grammar: Improve student understanding of English grammar through fun and exciting exercises.Fridays 7 PM to 7:50 PM16 Classes / $3200

         Ultimate Primary Package – All 4 Classes Save $1800

Business English

Face-to-Face Communication:  Improve the ability to speak and listen through phonetic and listening exercises.Tuesdays 8 PM to 9:30 PM16 Classes / $5000
Written Communication:  Improve professional writing; emails, memos, resumes, letters, and advertisements, etc.Thursdays 8 PM to 9:30 PM16 Classes / $5000
Business Presentation:  Improve ability to create and perform English presentations.Fridays 8 PM to 9:30 PM16 Classes / $5000

Ultimate Business Package – All 3 Classes Save $2000
!!!Sign Up Now!!! Class Size is Limited!!!

General English – Courses for learners of all ages and levels
Phonetics:  Improve English pronunciation.Saturdays 10:30 AM to 12 Noon16 Classes / $5000
Vocabulary:  Increase use of new words.Saturdays 1 PM to 2:30 PM16 Classes / $5000
Speaking:  Increase ability to speak and use English in everyday situations.Saturdays 2:45 PM to 4:15 PM16 Classes / $5000
Listening:  Increase understanding of spoken English.Saturdays 4:30 PM to 6 PM16 Classes / $5000
Grammar:  Increase ability to use English through proper grammar.Sundays 10:30 AM to 12 Noon16 Classes / $5000
Writing:  Increase ability to communicate in writing.Sundays 1 PM to 2:30 PM16 Classes / $5000
Reading:  Increase understanding of written English.Sundays 2:45 PM to 4:15 PM16 Classes / $5000
Speed Reading:  Increase speed of reading and finding the main idea and points quickly.Sundays 4:30 to 6 PM16 Classes / $5000


General English Class Specials –3 or 4 Classes Save $2000
– 5 or 6 Classes Save $5000
Ultimate General Package – 7 or 8 Classes Save up to $14,000
Other Packages or Pricing Specials Available
WOW!!!   Pay in Full by January 10th and Receive 10% OFF   WOW!!!
Monthly or Half Semester Payment Plans Available
Call Arisa Today 9859 3923

Illumination Station
9859 3923周老師

閲讀及生字: 透過閲讀來提升學生對英語及生字的認識.逢星期二 6 PM to 6:50 PM16 / $3200
寫作:  透過學習寫作來增進學生的創作力和表逹力.逢星期二 7 PM to 7:50 PM16 / $3200
拼音及會話:  透過説話來提升學生的英語發音及溝通能力.逢星期五 6 PM to 6:50 PM16 / $3200
文法: 透過遊戲和練習來增進學生的文法水平.逢星期五 7 PM to 7:50 PM16 / $3200


至尊小英優惠 – 同時報讀全四科可獲减 $1800


商業面談:  透過拼音及聆聽的練習來提升學員的聽説能力.逢星期二 8 PM to 9:30 PM16 / $5000
商業文書:  提升學員的寫作,如電郵、僃忘、履歷、信件、廣告等.逢星期四 8 PM to 9:30 PM16 / $5000
商業演説:  提升學員對商業演説的創作及臨塲表現能力.逢星期五 8 PM to 9:30 PM16 / $5000

至尊商英優惠–同時報讀全三科可獲减 $2000


!!!名額有限!!! 請速報名!!!


拼音:  改善英語發音.逢星期六 10:30 AM to 12 Noon16 / $5000
字彚:  增加生詞的認識.逢星期六 1 PM to 2:30 PM16 / $5000
會話:  增進日常英語會話能力.逢星期六 2:45 PM to 4:15 PM16 / $5000
聆聽:  增進英語聽力.逢星期六 4:30 PM to 6 PM16 / $5000
文法:  從學習正確文法來改善英語應用.逢星期日 10:30 AM to 12 Noon16 / $5000
寫作:  加强寫作能力.逢星期日 1 PM to 2:30 PM16 / $5000
閲讀:  加强英語理解能力.逢星期日 2:45 PM to 4:15 PM16 / $5000
速讀:  加速英語閲讀速度及快速找到文章主旨和重點.逢星期日 4:30 to 6 PM16 / $5000

優惠 - 同時報讀三或四科可獲减至 $2000
 - 五或六科可獲减至 $5000

同時報讀七或八科可獲减至 $14,000

WOW!!!   一月十日前全數付款更可獲額外九折  WOW!!!

9859 3923 周老師


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性