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  3. 舞蹈

晉藝舞蹈學會 讓您的子女在6A中成長

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-12-02 刊登者: Veronica

任教導師:陳晉 9059 8648  晉藝舞蹈 http://cc.own-space.net
















任教導師:洛儀 6303 6808  逸伶雅集 [email protected]


拉丁舞會士(最優級) 英國皇家舞蹈教師會


西方舞會士(最優級) (排排舞, 圓舞, 舞會社交舞) 香港西方舞總會


兒童心理學證書 香港浸會大學


成長輔導心理學證書 香港大學


運動急救證書 香港聖約翰救護機構


化裝師文憑 聖迪斯哥(CIDESCO)國際美容及化裝師師協會


形象造型設計課程證書 蒙妮坦美髮美容學院


About Veronica (洛儀)

Veronica Lynn has been loving beauty and art since her early age, as evidenced by her active participation in children's choir at her primary age, as well as that in Chinese dancing when she was a teen. Being a leading member in the respective school teams, she has joined related inter-school competitions.

Out of concern and zeal to educate the kids, Veronica's first job was a kindergarten teacher. After then, there came an opportunity for her to enter the advertising industry, in which she could have closer encounter with and further development along her long-loving interest: visual art, image art and performing art. In the fourteen years of working international advertising companies, Veronica has taken part in various advertising productions across territories.

Also along with her concern on beauty and health, Veronica has also studied skin care and cosmetology after work, and is at present holding both international and local diplomas on skin-care and cosmetology. She is also a qualified Yoga instructor.

Veronica has been pursuing excellence of Latin dancing since her first encounter in 2003 with the international ballroom dancing, including both the Standard and the Latin dance. Apart from learning, practicing and performing, she has attained professional qualification in teaching International Ballroom Latin dance (or Dancesport Latin dance) as a Member of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD). She is also a qualified teacher teaching Salsa and other social Latin dance.

Integrating (1) the interest around beauty and art, (2) the concern on growth of young people and health of adults, and (3) the zeal to promote Latin dance, Veronica has developed her curriculum in learning and teaching Latin dance with the orientation of Growth and Health. To back up such, she has actively acquired knowledge on child psychology, nutrition and care for sport injury. Seeing learning of Latin dance not just a mere extracurricular activity for the kids, or a mere time-killing leisure activity for adults, Veronica is currently promoting the Growth-Oriented Latin Dance (GOLD) Course for children and teens and the Health-Oriented Latin Dance (HOLD) Course for adults, which make the learning of Latin dance be an integral part of our general wellness of living.


Latin American Dance Associate(highly commended) @ Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing【ISTD】
Western Line Dance
Associate(highly commended)  @ Hong Kong Western Dance Council
Certificate of Child Psychology @ Hong Kong Baptist University
Certificate of The Psychology of Growth Facilitation @ Hong Kong University
First Aid Certificate @ Hong Kong St. John Ambulance
Certificate of Personal Image Development @ Monita Hair & Beauty college
Diploma of  Make up @ Monita Hair & Beauty college



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