1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 烹飪及飲食

學習廚藝,令烹飪可以變得很有創意,充滿發現與樂趣!在這裡,想像力像有如脫韁野馬,讓孩子們發現日常生活的科學、數學、英語閱讀及聆聽、衛生 和與人合作的技巧,通過烹飪讓我們的孩子變得更美好。

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-08-28 刊登者: wangledaifan

Only Kids Kitchen is a unique culinary experience which offers cooking classes to children in a safe environment that encourages discovery and creativity. Each visit to us is a new experience with fresh monthly themes and exciting new programs. Students sharpen their skills in the cooking world. 童心廚房為近千位小朋友啟發㕑藝創意! 在童心廚房學習廚藝,令烹飪可以變得很有創意,充滿發現與樂趣!在這裡,想像力像有如脫韁野馬,讓孩子們發現日常生活的科學、數學、英語閱讀及聆聽、衛生 和與人合作的技巧,通過烹飪讓我們的孩子變得更美好。

These special chefs classes were designed to accommodate those students who have are looking for a more in-depth culinary experience. Students will assume more responsibility while developing new techniques and concepts.

Depending on the Only Kids Kitchen near you, these classes will be offered as a membership program and in special units.我們以會員制方式優先報讀;請搜尋你最就近的上課地點。


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