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Appetite~customer servicing class

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-08-03 刊登者: mr.bean's caf'e



Today, more than ever, we face a constant dilemma of attracting and retaining a following of customers. Well-trained staff will not only create a happy experience for your customers but as well retain these customers long term. This is pivotal to any business in achieving their leading position in your own industry in addition to improving your financial results year-on-year.

Appetite offers a unique customer servicing training class with hands-on role playing in our kitchen. We can also customize our classes to suit your requirements and objectives.

Sample Class :

Day 1 - 3 hour session

1. Having "satisfied" Customers - The vital importance of this
2. Making them "feeling at home"
3. Communicating with your Customers
4. Listening to your Customers
5. Handling Complaints

Day 2 - 2 hour session

1. Self assessment
2. Open Forum

Make your enquiries today by
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