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與其有聯繫的各地大學開辦 學士、碩士和博士學位課程,旨為在職人士和中五、中七、文憑及副學士學位畢業生提供新的升學出路

更新於: 2011-06-20 刊登者: Sharon

Milton International Education Group (MIEG) is committed to promoting learning through educational exchange and active participation in mutual sharing of cultural and intellectual resources.
Company Profile
MIEG has over 25 years' of experiences in the education industry. We have delivered many degee programs in Hong Kong and China in association with universities from around the world.

The foundation of MIEG was laid by Dr Edward I. Wong. Dr Wong began his career in the education sector in 1983. He was the Principal of the Junior College and Deputy Director of Polytechnic College at the University of Macau. In the following two decades, he has managed the Seaker Chan Education Foundation which ran a high school, a primary school and a Canadian international school in Hong Kong. In the mid 1990's, Dr Wong extended his education expertise to distance learning education. He was one of the founders of the United Institute of International Education (UIIE), the Alliance of International Education (AIE), the Institute of Further & Continuing Education (IFCE), Uni-Link (HK) Ltd., Carlson College and Betterment College.

Throughout the years, Dr Wong has made many contributions to the education sector and has been a pioneer in many aspects of education. In 1984, he was the first to introduce and implement the associate degree programs in Southeast Asia. This has helped widening the learning opportunities for many secondary school leavers in Hong Kong, China and Macau. Because of this innovative design of the program, the University of Macau was permitted by the Government of the People's Republic of China to recruit mainland Chinese students to enrol in the program at the University of Macau since 1985. In 1995, Dr. Wong was the first to introduce degree nursing programs for registered nurses, upgrading the academic standards, the performance and the professionalism of nurses in Hong Kong. And in 1999, he was the first to offer British university PhD program on-site in China. Over the years, he has helped with and withnessed the graduation of over 5000 of students from programs offered by him in collaboration with universities from around the world.

Dr Wong plays a director role at MIEG, with his academic and administrative expertise, his professional associations and networking MIEG will continue to concentrate on its core activities, drawing past experiences and building new partnerships in bringing knowledge one step closer to people's homes in the years ahead.

震興國際教育機構於教育界擁有25年以上的辦學經驗於香港和中國。與其有聯繫的各地大學開辦 學士、碩士和博士學位課程,旨為在職人士和中五、中七、文憑及副學士學位畢業生提供新的升學出路。 震興國際教育機構於2005年成為美國北維珍尼亞大學在香港的分校,在港舉辦的修讀課程包括半年制大學 預科班、工商管理學士學位課程及MBA課程,MBA課程共分3類,可主修管理學、項目管理或醫護管理。 全部課程均可申請香港政府免入息審查貸款或大學獎學金。學歷乃國際認可,分兼讀或全日制,以迎合不 同學生的需要。

