Baby Buddies
BABY BUDDIES I ALlSON'S LETTERLAND INTERNATIONAL PLAYGROUP I KINDERGARTEN AGE 3 MONTHS TO 6 YEARS OLD"A child centred approach to leaming where your child leads the way."We would like to welcome you and your child to the very best possible start in pre-school education. Operating since 1996 our playgroups and Kindergarten set the standard of excellence in International schooling. We have an excellent reputation for being extremely caring and friendly schools and creating our own unique sense of community. not easily found in HK. Founded by Alison Pope,a qualified Nursery school teacher since 1989, her ethos and beliefs in pre-school education have been successfully delivered to children all over Hong Kong;giving them the foundation and confidence in a life long joumey of leaming.
Alison and her husband Sven successfully manage four schools in l-long Kong,along with their outstanding team of Early Years International teachers,a unique family-based school in l-long Kong with exceptional staff ratios.
Our mission philosophyWe provide an outstanding child-centred approach to pre-school education which is achieved in a friendly, family environment that nurtures a community feeling where the curiosity and a child's love of learning is met within an lntemational setting.Our mission is to imbue each and every one of our students with a lifetime love of teaming and to encourage them to become confident, responsible and effective contributors to society.
We believe that every child is a competent learner from birth and every child should be treated with respect and as an individual.
Tel:5188 0671 Email :[email protected]Address :屯門青山公路345號 龍成花園地下C,D鋪 Website