Certified Energy Auditor
Course Code : EA001
In recent years our Government has been actively implementing various energy saving, emission reduction plan, air conditioning, ventilation equipment and energy saving etc. ... Already known to reduce the power consumption of various housekeeping practices, mobilize staff involved to save energy. To help them not only to save energy costs, but also enjoy the comfort life, but also make a contribution to environmental protection. This programme is organized by Hong Kong College of Engineering (HKCE) and BTEC UK, which has been offering programmes spanning the entire communications industries. It has built an enviable reputation for providing communications professionals with the right technical training complemented with the right internationally recognized qualifications over the world.
Course Characteristics
l This course is divided into 2 parts, step by step to let students understand the energy management and auditing then apply in practice.
l Student can gain CPD hours after completing this course.
l Student can register as BTEC student in order to gain the Level 5 Professional Awards
l The facts proved that, students can make use of our course content, in order to save at least HK$1,000,000 - $2,000,000 energy costs in public or private sectors as fast as only 4 weeks.
l Students can improve their knowledge through this unique course. It is especially suitable for energy engineers and managers who are working in government or private organizations. Further, this course is also accredited by the Institution of Facilities Engineers (IFE).
(1) 本課程之效益是使學生能了解及運用能源審計的知識於工作中。
(2) 事實證明課程中的應用,能令多間大型機構節省能源費至少$1,000,000 至 $2,000,000 ( 每年 )。
(3) 本課程全港獨一無二,是經驗中的改良知識,最適合大型機構及政府部門能源工程師及經理參加。
Part I <Facilities Energy Management> | Part II <Energy Auditing> |
1. 能源管理總策略。 2. 能源工程師 / 經理的職責。 3. 酒店節能實例,行動方案與應用。 4. 冷氣節能設計。 5. 節能交換器,熱管,最低鮮風,VAV,最新節能方法 6. 學校與大學節能實例,行動方案與應用。 7. 冷凍力的估算。 8. 能源審計的期望、量度,主要能源費用。 9. 商場節能實例,行動方案與應用。 10. 能源監控。 11. 節能成本利益分析。 12. 醫院節能實例,行動方案與應用。 **2012年10月17日開課 | 1. 能源審計與模式 : 概念、方法。 2. 審計方法與程序 : 審計、測量、監控。 3. 審計質量控制 : 財政效益、行動效益、環境效益。 4. 審計行動 (一) 資料搜尋。 5. 審計行動 (二) 初步評估。 6. 審計行動 (三) 評估審計。 7. 審計行動 (四) 數據分析。 8. 基本能源節省 : 方法、程序、途徑。 9. 高級能源管理 : 管理責任、管理過程、維持及保養。 10. 能源達標與控制 : 節省計算、整理資料。 11. 節能成功執行方法 : 測量選擇、執行建議、監控結果 12. 能源審計個案研究。 **11月12日開課 |
每個獨立單元均可作為大部分工程師學會之 15 小時 CPD 課程。所有講師皆為註冊工程師 (CEng & RPE) 或註冊工程設施 經理或同等學歷,並持有大學學位及最少 15 至 20 年實際工程經驗。
* 完成整個共 2 個單元的課程測試兼出席率達 80% 方可獲頒發【能源審計師專業證書】(Certified Energy Auditor Course)
* 學員能獲得 30 小時 CPD。
* 學員更可獲 BTEC / edexcel 第五級專業資格。
- 持有有關工程證書 / 文憑 / 學位的工程師或行政經理 ; 或
- 中五程度,持至少 2 年相關工作經驗者優先 ; 或
- 21 歲或以上,有 3 至 5 年工作經驗者亦可申請報讀。
Hong Kong College of Engineering
For more information, please kindly contact us by email: [email protected] ; OR
Go thorough our website: http://www.hkceedu.org ; OR
Go visit our Facebook: Facebook.com/HKCE.edu ; OR
Tel: (852) 2687 1208