1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 繪畫、手工藝

We believe a successful artwork must be able to reveal a strong concept of the artist

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-25 刊登者: C&G藝術單位:油畫、素描課程

    C&G Artpartment is a Hong Kong based art space with two portions: an art exhibition space and a visual art education unit. With a strong concern over the local art ecology, C&G is going to help develop new flavors in the local art scene, use art to respond to social and cultural issues, and provide art education programs for the public. Its essential goal is to fill up the crack in the current art scene, and become an art space for idea exchanges.

Art Education Philosophy
We believe a successful artwork must be able to reveal a strong concept of the artist. Therefore, the teaching philosophy of C&G is to free the students from the original boundaries they are entrapped in, and allow them to have freedom to choose the themes they would like to explore artistically, and the way they would like to present themselves. The role of the instructors is to provide various tools, like the usage of the visual art language, various art-making techniques, critical thinking skills etc., to help students develop unique artworks that can reveal their own concepts.

Course Info
Encouraging a small class size, the ratio between teachers and students is no more than 1:10. Each session lasts 90 mins.

Course Fee
The course fee is HK$195 per session(1.5 hour@) for all ages ($780 for 4 sessions). There will be no extra fee for canvas, paints and other art-making materials.

Students are welcome to schedule individual sessions anytime during the opening hours for art courses:
Sun, Mon: 2pm - 7:30pm
Thur,Fri: 9:45am - 11:45am and 2pm-9:30pm
Sat: 11am-7:30pm

Contact us: 23909332/ [email protected]

C&G Artpartment
Address: 3/F, Sai Yeung Choi St. South 222, Prince Edward, KLN, Hong Kong
(Close to MTR station Prince Edward Exist B2 and Behind Pioneer Center)
Telephone: (852) 23909332
Email:[email protected]

C&G 藝術單位
地址: 香港九龍太子西洋菜街南222號三字樓
(近太子地鐵站B2出口, 在始創中心後)
電話: (852) 23909332
電郵:[email protected]
網址 http://www.candg-artpartment.com/

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性