1. 88DB
  2. 消閒及娛樂
  3. 派對場地

Golf party 室內高爾夫派對場地

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-06-15 刊登者: city golf

City Golf是城中最方便的室內高爾夫派對場地。我們致力把這項運動普及化, 讓更多熱愛高爾夫的人能夠參與, 使港人活動更多元化。加入派對元素主要是希望凝聚各方, 不論高爾夫, 還是西班牙食品愛好者都能在這裡渡過愉快的時光, 甚至難忘的紀念日。我們提供場地租用及一系列的服務。主要為大家舉行度身訂造的派對, 如生日或求婚派對。小至每一項裝飾及場內食品, 大至遊戲設計及驚喜位, 我們都能為你準備。設施方面, 少不免能享用我們的模擬高爾夫機。除此之外, 還有ps3、掟鏢、電影/影片播放、及beer pong等等給大家選擇。同時我們亦會包一些姊妹公司iberico walk的西班牙食品, 如黑毛豬火腿、午餐肉、紅/白酒等等, 讓大家盡興。包場價格方面, 量身訂造的項目有待商議, 最重要服務合你心意!


City Golf is an exclusive indoor golf party venue in Hong Kong! We would like to promote golf activity and bring people in here to enjoy this, at the same time, have a fun party for your memorable day, no matter you are a golf or Spanish food lover. We provide one-stop party services such as organizing birthday and proposing parties, decoration, food and beverage arrangement, games or surprise! In terms of facilities, for sure we have the golf simulator! Other than that, we also have ps3 and dart machine. You can enjoy your movie/video or even play beer pong. We offer Spanish iberico ham and red/wine wines from our sister company iberico walk too!


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