1. 88DB
  2. 消閒及娛樂
  3. 藝術及手工藝

A fresh approach to promoting emerging artists from the Asia region.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-01-18 刊登者: Asia Fine Art

Asia Fine Art, Limited was formed to represent a fresh approach to promoting emerging artists from the Asia region.

We have been buying fine art from Burma, Vietnam and China for more than ten years and have been collectors of fine art for more than 30 years. We felt there was a need to better represent the interests and needs of the artists and collectors – so we formed Asia Fine Art.

To reach a broader collecting clientele we created Asia Fine Art as an internet company, we plan to have galleries in capital cities to meet the needs of our customers, collectors and the interested public.

Asia Fine Art has a rolling program of art exhibitions in the region. During 2006, we will hold exhibitions in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and London - details appear on our website.

Asia Fine Art is a young company committed to representing and promoting emerging artists from Asia. We want to put fun into the art scene and break down some of the stuffiness and elitism that often exists in galleries and exhibitions.

Asia Fine Art only sells original fine art – we do not offer reproductions, copies or fine art prints. We ask, why get a copy when you can get one-of-a-kind original at a reasonable price!

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