1. 88DB
  2. 家居
  3. 室內設計及裝修


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-02-13 刊登者: 專業 雲石 (大理石/花崗岩/石英石)拋光/打磨/護理/補修及翻新/防水

雲石打臘翻新護理除污拋光打磨無縫處理補修防水安裝(大理石/花崗岩/石英石/麻石)拋光,打磨,護理,補修防水 師傅. 如果各位對於之前承建商的雲石補修不滿意, 或需要重新雲石打磨安裝, 風水石供應. 磁磚/拋光磚翻新. 免費報價. 收費平易. 有需要. 請電 : 9098-6699打不通請留言 /135 4944 9994. 或 email : [email protected]  
We provide professional marble/granite care, restoration, renovation, bothroom/kitchen renewal, water repellent and cleaning services in hongkong and china. As well as Feng Shui Stone decorations. If your home, office, appartment need such services. Pls call Michael  at HK 9098 6699(pls leave message if cannot get through). or call  at 86-135 4944 9994. free quotation and my charge is highly competitive. thank you. email : [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性