取價公道、大小歡迎、收費合理、價廉 及服務優質。本公司為更一步體貼客戶的需求,本公司特意提供網上報價系統,以方便客戶查詢問價及節省時間。
搬屋、搬運、 搬寫字樓、 搬唐樓 、搬村屋、 搬琴、 搬廠 、全屋家私雜物、醫院及教堂包裝搬運。
Since our company is opened , We are depending on the people from all walks of life to supported and sure all the time.
We provide web quotation , househould goods moving, handyman services , warehouseing services and many other related
services. To fulfill the customers' demands , we provide the web quotation to give user for inquiring and asking prices.
Our service include:
Local household removal、Office removal、Cottage removal、Musical instrument removal、Factory Removal 、Warehouse.
網址︰http://www.moverco.com/ (自動報價系統)
電邮︰[email protected]
服務熱綫︰6253 1699 (24小時)