正記機械貿易公司在香港專營全新或二手洗衣設備, 零件及維修超過30多年,商譽良好,信用保証。
多年來我們為客人包辦洗衣設備工程及維修包括酒店、 洗衣廠、乾洗店、醫院、療養院及政府機構。
Ching Kee Machinery Eng. Trading Co is a reputable company in the laundry industry in Hong Kong with over 30 years of experience in franchising new or used laundry parts and equipment and providing relevant maintenance service.
We provide a wide range of service to our customers. From selling new or second-hand washing machine, dryer, dryers, dry cleaning machines and all industrial laundry equipment parts, to providing customers with professional consultation, installation, maintenance and after-sales maintenance service etc.
Over the years, we have arranged laundry facilities engineering and maintenance service to our customers including hotels, laundries, dry cleaners, hospitals, nursing homes and government organization.