# 納米粒子能將衣服纖維徹底清潔, 能達到納米級滲透, 清潔, 去漬, 除霉菌, 除臭味, 還可以同時清洗洗衣機內污漬 # 本產品另一功效是能使已暗啞的衣服漸漸回復原有顏色. 原因是將已往的螢光漂白粉逐漸洗走, 從現原有顏色. (不能將漂去的顏色還原)
1. 中性pH值
2. 不含螢光漂白劑
3. 不含磷
# The nano particle can remove the odor, bacteria, stain, deeply penetrate and cleaning the clothes tissue. This product can clean up the inner Washing machine in the same time. # It can also remove the fluorescent brighteners powder, which reaches the Color Refresh function. (Bleached clothes cannot be recovered)
1. Neutral pH value, skin irritation free
2. No fluorescent brighteners
3. No phosphorus
Tel: 23853090 原價$78.00, 特價$65.00