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櫥櫃衣櫃翻新 改色 維修 櫥櫃衣櫃更換強化玻璃門

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無論面板玻璃寬窄邊款式顏色,還是門把手的樣式,都可以以客為先實行訂製. 我們一切訂制化的服務宗旨可以最大限度的滿足我們顧客的要求,從而使得我們最終的產品讓我們的顧客有眼前一亮的感覺



鋼化玻璃櫥櫃有門多種圖案和顏色的選擇. 使你的廚房更加優雅



由於鋼化玻璃櫥櫃門極其平滑,所以可以將光源的光線反射到廚房的其他空間,讓廚房有限的光源光線得到補充. 同時,一種設計簡單顏色合適的鋼化玻璃櫥櫃門,可以讓空間相對狹小的廚房看起來有更大空間感.



通常我們的櫥櫃是一些經過表面處理(多數是油漆)的木質材料加工而成的. 隨著時間的推移,油漆會出現老化並開裂, 木板材料也就會因為溫度濕度的變化而老化進而滋生細菌. 這就意味著,在這個櫥櫃被拆除之前,平日所有和飲食息息相關的餐具都會被存放在這樣一個封閉且佈滿黴菌的環境裡. 鋼化玻璃櫥櫃門則完美的消除了以上的擔憂.



安全會是大多數業主裝修時的首要考慮. 鋼化玻璃櫥櫃門首先比普通玻璃強韌4-5倍. 它很難被打破. 打破鋼化玻璃需要在玻璃表面一個點施加極高的壓力. 就算是最壞的情形, 鋼化玻璃被打破,它也會碎裂成為很多無尖銳棱角的小碎塊, 不會傷害人體, 兒童及寵物. 這種特性極大的提高了它的安全性. 另外, 因為是玻璃, 所以它是非可燃材料.



由於鋼化玻璃的堅韌特性,使得鋼化玻璃櫥櫃門沒有因為潮濕,溫差而變形的擔憂. 從而大大延長了鋼化玻璃櫥櫃門的使用壽命.



鋼化玻璃是一種無縫無孔的材料,所以不會產生各種調味料污漬滲入櫥櫃門表面無法清理的現象. 清理汙跡只需一條濕毛巾和普通家用清潔劑即可.










What is Tempered Glass?


Tempered glass is glass treated by heat or chemicals, to toughen it and improve its strength. Tempered glasses are used in commercial establishments, but you can also bring in the advantages of tempered glass into your home.

Residential tempered glass is often called as safety glass because it is 4 to 5 times stronger than ordinary annealed glass having the same dimensions.


Benefits of Using Residential Tempered Glass as your kitchen cabinet door


"WOW" Appearance

Our Custom-Made services maximum the possibility to make our customer’s idea comes true.  The countertop can be made into just about any color as our customer wants. 


Highly decorative

A Supper smooth tampered glass will make your kitchen space more elegant and modern.


Make your kitchen looks bigger and brighter

A flat and smooth tampered glass makes your cooking space looks bigger than it is. Also, light reflectable tampered glass is able to reflect the lights to brighter your cooking space.


Moisture resistant means healthier

Traditionally, the kitchen cabinet door are made of solid wood or ply wood with certain surface painting treatments. As time goes by, the wood will be damaged by the high humidity in Hong Kong soon or later. The potential risk is that a damp wood made door provide an ideal environment for the bacteria growth. By that means, you will have to use the bowls or the plates stored in such a space full of bacteria before it has been removed.  


It makes your home safer

Safety will always be the first priority when you planning your decoration. The tampered glass is 4-5 times tougher than the ordinary glass, it’s so hard to be broken unless an extremely high pressure is loaded on a spot of the glass. Even if in the worst case, the tempered glass breaks into very small pieces. This reduces the risk of injuries from the broken glass pieces.

Tempered glass is toughened glass, and it can also reduce accidents involving broken glass in your home, thus preventing injuries. It is the perfect choice in making your home more child proof.

It’s glass, for sure, it’s non-flammable.


It is stronger and more durable

Tempered glass is 4 to 5 times tougher than ordinary glass, and makes the better choice where security is of importance. This makes break-ins through your windows much harder to do.

It is also more durable and can be survived in all weather changes. You dont have to replace it for decades unless you have other plan about it or it is broken by a sharp object.


It is easier to clean up

Tampered glass is a seamless and non-porous, so it’s naturally stains dirty spill acid alkali resistant. A wet towel is the only thing you need to clean the surface up when necessary.  


The Material of The Parts:

Front panel: Tampered Glass 

Frame: Aluminum 

Back panel: Aluminum sheet finish

Hydraulic hinge: Stainless steel

Screw: Stainless steel 







納米白 隱框 黑色F型把手 Pearl White 


















納米白色柚木紋 隱框 黑色F型把手 Teak wood white



納米白色波浪紋 隱框 黑色F型把手 White with gray waves



納米白色方格紋 隱框 黑色F型把手 White with dark square



納米白色豹石紋 隱框 黑色F型把手 White with rocky spot






安裝效果參考 Here are some cases using our white series door FYI






























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