1. 88DB
  2. 家居
  3. 窗簾及窗飾

Livin-Cool: 專業設計/訂造 咕臣(cushion), 抱枕(pillow), 戶外太陽傘(parasol), 戶外仿滕家具(outdoor furniture)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-04-24 刊登者: livin-cool

Livin-Cool 提供什麼類型的產品 和 服務?

我們提供專業設計/訂造服務, 您可以訂造任何室內室外 咕臣(cushion), 抱枕(pillow), 您可選用各種布料 (如 sunbrella, polyester 和 仿皮 等),  綿芯方面可選用 快乾綿, 自家發明的O2 綿 (優點較硬, 平宜和去水快), 公仔綿 或 室內海綿 (可做防火或防水) 。另外, 我們提供戶外太陽傘 (umbrella/parasol),  您亦可選擇不同的布料和材料 (e.g. sunbrella or polyester +  木 / 鋁 / 玻璃纖維 傘架), 以及任何戶外仿滕家具 (rattan / wicker furniture)  我們的仿滕家具有超過二百款設計, 您可以選用各種材料 (如 viro rattan)。

為何選用Livin-Cool 的服務?
我們專業, 報價快, 服務態度好, 貨期準, 價錢實惠, 很多香港的五星酒店都是我們的客戶。想為您的家居庭園, 公司, 戶外餐廳, 酒店泳池加添自然氣息又不想大洒金錢找設計公司, Livin-Cool 可以為您提供一些免費設計意見及免費度尺服務! 如想獲得最新資訊, 請馬上登入我們網站: www.livin-cool.com 我們的專業團隊一定能為你以最少的金錢選取您的心頭好!

What does Livin-Cool do?

Livin-Cool offers imaginative outdoor products crafted from the finest materials available. Our furnishings are engineered using handcrafted finishes, high-fashion touches you won't find elsewhere, hundreds of incredible outdoor fabrics and elegant details unheard of in the realm of all-season furnishings. As the name implies, Livin-Cool furnishings makes your life cool.

Create a comfortable outdoor space with our outdoor living products!

Getting outdoors to enjoy the sunshine is one of the best parts of the warm-weather months. Having comfortable patio furniture gives you a place to relax and take a break from the daily grind. Adding a grill lets you host parties and barbecues for friends, families or even the whole neighborhood. The patio and outdoor collections available at Livin-Cool offer a wide variety of furniture and accessories that you can use to create a beautiful patio, yard and garden.

For more details, please refer to our company web site:

or contact us directly:

Name: Kim Wong

Tel: 6408 1593

Email: [email protected] 

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