當室內設計師踫上一位時裝設計師,於2011年以他們品味的生活意念開立位於中上環的THE DOT﹣Gallery及快將營業的户外 Cafe。 好讓我們於煩囂的鬧市中一面嘆咖啡、一面為斗室增添一點藝術氣息。
THE DOT 最大特色在於他們會提供自家設計的布料和椅子,讓客人可隨著自己喜好拼湊並訂購一張獨一無二的坐椅。
THE DOT - Creative Living
An upper floor gallery launched in 2011 by Stimulus Design Group Ltd. located in Central. The co founder of THE DOT-Mr. Jason Hung and Ms. Suki Tsui were both designer professions in interior design and fashion design.
THE DOT provide in house design printed fabric and chairs silhouette for customer to select their favorite pattern and customize their only one and unique chair in the world.
The showroom also sell their home ware selections from world wide. Including hand made wooden lamp from Thailand and Philippine, Cordless outdoor lighting from France, Print art , cushion, tea set and other various home accessories from international.