如果您正在尋找一些團體企業的 廣告宣傳 贈品,禮品構思或特別創意禮物?
我們 富康禮品設計提供 設計 及 訂製各類 企業及團體 廣告及推廣 宣傳禮品或贈品,例如 USB Flash drive,廣告筆,文具,環保袋 環保文具,各款杯,Polo shirt, 聖誕,行政及創意禮品 等等。 即使少量也可以起訂,而且重視品質及具成本效益。 恒基地產,香港大學和基督教香港信義會等機構都是我們客戶。
我們亦可以提供產品設計,ODM 等服務, 致力為您 推廣 企業形象及品牌。
Based in Hong Kong, Fulcorn can support you to promote your business in a secure, reliable way and market your business effectively by providing a range of various high quality gifts & premiums for different occasions.
Our fully customized product design, sourcing, manufacturing, quality control and value-added supply chain management to meet our worldwide client’s tight time frame and acquire fast turnaround on custom items.
Fulcorn's business philosophy: we highly believe that sincere and quality service, cost-effective price and interactive communication are the keys to build up mutual trust partnership.
電話: (852) 3972 7228
網址: www.fc.com.hk / wwww.fulcorn.com
電郵: [email protected]
地址: 香港 上環 德輔道中262號一洲大廈19樓