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文偉電單車中心提供多元化服務, 包括: 電單車維修服務、專業電單車調較服務、美容及清潔服務。查詢詳細及價值, 請致電: 2567 5707

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: MW Motorcycle SG

文偉電單車中心提供多元化服務, 查詢詳細及價值, 請致電: 2567 5707

文偉電單車中心於1988年,  成立多年, 信舉保證。我們已有多種款式的電單車, 應有盡有, 適合專業及消閒人士。
本公司業務多元化, 除了出售電單車外, 另包括: 電單車寄賣、 電單車維修服務、專業電單車調較服務、美容及清潔服務、配件、電單車服裝等等。

Servicing your bike is our first priority. Our top ranked service department is ready to make your bike stands out. Our mechanics are all well trained and exeprience. We are all ready to baby your bike and diagnose any major engine problems. Of course, we're gonna fix it and tune it up to its best performance as well!
Feel free to send us an email anytime for any service enquries:
[email protected] 

美容及清潔服務 (包括: 洗車, 打臘)


專業電單車調較服務 (把電單車發掘出最大潛能)



Establisbed in 1988, Man Wai Motorcycle provides you with the best exotic bikes from all over the world. You name it, we have it.

With our well trained and experienced mechanics here to diagnose and repair your motorcycles, we promise you that servicing your motorcycle is our top priority

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聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性