於 1973 年創立, 為專營天然緬甸翡翠批發及零售的生產商, 並自設工場於香港. 我們由採購原料,款式設計,製造生產,銷售及售後服務也是一條龍, 令產品在嚴密監控的前提下達到最優美的成品狀態, 深受市場歡迎. 主要市場以香港及中國內地為主, 玉器成品以其大量生產見稱, 我們現正積極推動經營理念擴展業務. 我們還有不同的玉器原料可供閣下設計一樣獨一無二的製成品, 如戒子, 耳環, 珠, 吊嘴等等.
Found in 1973, we are manufacturer for whole-selling and retailing natural jadeite products from Burma. Under the premise of strict monitoring on production, from the procurement of materials, design, manufacture, sales, to after-sales are one-stop. While we are well-known for our mass-production, we have been actively promoting our business philosophy to expand the business. In addition to wholesale and retail, we provide a variety of jadeite materials for custom designed products such as rings, ear rings, beads, pendants, etc.