$ 詢問
We have our fully owned factory in Dongguan, China which provide a chain service in wide range of watch manufacturing - Research & design, mould creating, case & band manufacturing, dial maki
RRich Blossom Watch Mfy Ltd

$ 詢問
We are Winmix Hong Kong Ltd., experienced watch manufacture since 1979. Our company focus on the production of Pocket watch, Ladies bracelet watches and OEM projects. We use Brass, Alloy, Stainless S
WWinmix HK Ltd

$ 詢問
Giovino Watch specializes in making and supplying high quality watches around the world. It is one of the few companies who place great emphasis on quality and customer service in China, where such h
MMr. Chan

$ 詢問
Heng Tat Industrial Company was established in 1986, specializing in dial manufacturing. Our main techniques & production include Enamel, UP, Plating, Binding, Corrosion, Carbon Fiber, Reflector
HHeng Tat Ind'l Co

$ 詢問
早於一九八一年,億科的創始人已投身鐘錶業。我們相信鐘錶是時間、科技和品質的結晶。 正如億科名字的由來﹕ 「瑞士」代表高精密度及品質的保證﹔ 「億科」代表嶄新的技術和概念。 我們通過與瑞士合作伙伴的長期緊密合作關係,從中汲取了瑞士的管理模式的精髓。加上累積了豐富的鐘錶業經驗,帶領億科致力於為同行提供高品質的一條龍式服務﹕由原設計至模具生產、樣板製作和量產成品。億科亦能為客戶提供最佳的解決方案。除了

$ 詢問
Windix was founded in 1987, we are a HK based company with our own factory located in DongGuan China. The factory has occupied an area of 210,000 sq. ft. with more than 1,000 employees, facilitate wi
WWindix Industries Ltd

$ 詢問
IS Int'l Ltd i.s The brand name from Japan, is a trademark of Is International Ltd. i.s The brand name of designer watch. Over the years, we have successfully developed to be a leader of fashion watc
MMr. Wan

$ 詢問
Solar Time Ltd We work with our partners,comprehensively to align our business with theirs in a turnkey approach to watch manufacturing solutions. TOlearn more about us,and the projects we undertake,
SSolar Time Ltd

$ 詢問
We are Hong Kong based company who has many years of experiences and techniques in manufacturing watches.Our modern assembling factory in China uses strict quality control and effective management sy
MMs. Lai

$ 詢問
萬華電子有限公司是一家專業的多功能手表制造商和出口商,憑借過人的創新意識、優良的產品質量,先后成功研發出數十款《超盤》PowerDisk MP3手表、MP4手表、藍牙MP3手表、藍牙MP4手表、手機手表。申請了專利近百項,以獲授權超過六十項,事實上基本奠定了MP3手表、MP4手表、藍牙MP3手表、藍牙MP4手表、手機手表的設計和制造的標準,成為國內的外MP3手表、MP4手表、藍牙MP3手表、藍牙

$ 詢問
Crystal Jewellery & Watches Ltd. was founded in 1993 as a manufacturer of Jewellery watches. We emphasize on the design and quality of the products and offering professional customer services. Ba

$ 詢問
Time Box & Concepts Ms. Poon 2429 3828 www.timebox.com.hk
MMs. Poon

$ 詢問
Source efficiently with a variety of sourcing tools Keep pace with the market with information of the hottest products-in-season delivered to your inbox Have our Buyer Services team pre-screen and lo
MMs. Mandy Lai

$ 詢問
Dragon Ample International Ltd set up its factory in 1994 at Shenzhen, China. Facilities, that include a mold shop, plastic injection machines, air-conditioned production lines, Lead-Free SMT machine
DDragon Ample International Ltd.

$ 詢問
Tech-Bond Timepieces Co Ltd 1) Factory Building Our self-owned factory building locates at China - Shenzhen - Bao An. It provides a total floor area at 2,000 sq. metre for production operations in hi
TTech-Bond Timepieces Co Ltd

$ 詢問
翔江水晶錶面企業有限公司專業從事生產玻璃和藍寶石配件、應用於水手提電話、光學、電子等產品。包括各種不同形狀藍寶石和強化玻璃、光學簿膜、防反光膜、真空電鍍及絲印,移印。 聯絡:Ms. Tam 電話:2798 8330 電郵: [email protected] 網站: http://www.ckcrystal.com 地址:香港九龍九龍灣宏照著39號企業廣場3期10字樓1003-5室
MMs. Tam

$ 詢問
香港穎時實業有限公司成立于1989年,工廠座落于中國電子生產重地---莞清溪,我司是一家專業從事卡通手表,集研發、生產、銷售、OEM/ODM為一體的企業。產品暢銷東南亞和歐美市場。公司擁有先進的生產設備及經驗豐富的設計師和技術精湛的技術員,設計出“工藝精湛、款式新穎、風格獨特、質量上乘”的產品。 目前,我司有Disney(迪斯尼)/HELLO KITTY/BEN 10(田
CClever Time Industrial Ltd

$ 詢問
Variation Industrial Company Limited is a well-respected and well-diversified lady accessories supplier in china-hong kong. Our company has grown over 10 years to become the experienced experts of la
VVariation Industrial Co Ltd

$ 詢問
漢建錶業製造廠位於世界金融貿易中心——香港,是一家面向海內外市場的新型現代化企業,主營合金,銅材料鐘錶配件、石英成表及首飾。 為了更好地利用區位優勢及控制生產成本,漢建於2001年在廣東省深圳市設立了自己的工廠,航建鐘錶配件廠。本廠擁有5000余平方米的優美廠房及生活區,現有職員200多名。本廠配備了先進的機械生產設備,加之以現代化的管理制度,工作效率和產品品質不斷提高。
HHon Kin Watch Mfy

$ 詢問
Our staff has more than 10 years experience in the manufacture and supply of watches, and can guarantee prompt and professional service. With hundreds of watch styles and materials to choose from, yo
MMaduro Ltd
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