$ 詢問
華興寶石首飾有限公司創始人蔡少華先生,憑著對石的執著和與生俱來的緣分於1988年開創了《華興寶石首飾加工廠》,從事“澳寶表面、介面”的來料加工業務。創業初期蔡少華先生就樹立了企業的精神,就像華興的標誌一樣“時間永不停息”,本著目標明確的理念及吃苦耐勞的精神帶領著工廠逐步朝著一個極具生命力的企業邁進。 悠悠歲月轉眼飛逝,隨著國家政策的開放和寶石市場的
HHua xing Gem Jewelry (HK) Co Ltd.

$ 詢問
Gemberight Development Limited has established since 1992.We are one of the main manugacturers in direct system.We have more than 600 workers in China doing the following products.The main products l

$ 詢問
Nature of Business: Manufacturer Industry: Jewellery, Watches & Clocks Product/Service Range: Pendant, Bracelet, Eardrop, Earring, Ring Brooch, Jadeite, Diamond Major Export Market: China Hong Ko
FFu Ngai Jade Jewellery Fty Co Ltd.

$ 詢問
香港貿易發展局(香港貿發局)成立於1966年,是專責推廣香港對外貿易的法定機構,服務對象包括以香港為基地的貿易商、製造商及服務供應商。 我們為香港公司締造商機,促進產品和服務貿易。為有意開拓海外和內地市場的港商提供服務。我們在世界各地設有40多個辦事處,其中11個在中國內地,致力推廣香港作為全球企業與中國內地及亞洲經商的平台。同時,香港貿發局又通過不同的服務,包括貿易展覽會、網上商貿平台及產品雜
HHigh Pearl Jewellery Co

$ 詢問
We sell Colored Stones and Diamonds Specializing in Quartz, Amethyst , Citrine and Colored Topaz Stones Leo Wolleman ( Hong Kong ) Ltd. Unit No.12, 7/F, Fu Hang Industrial Bldg. No.1 Hok Yuen Street

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Star Union is a thriving group which has been established in the watch industry OEM, ODM, wholesale, distribute & marketing for many years. Its products are exported to different countries and reg
SStar Union Watch Industrial Co Ltd

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Established in April ,2007 , Grand Oro Jewelery Co. Ltd is a young and dynamic company trading Italian Gold Jewllery . With a group of professional intellectual , we are able to provide the excel ser
GGrand Oro Jewellery Company Limited

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Equipped with a complete know-how in watch manufacturing and over 20years' experience in watch industry. Throughout this years, we have helped many reputed watch brand to develop their collections.
MMs. Alice Yeung

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TRADE MIX CO. LTD., extablished since 1980, is a farsighted and competent watchmaker who keeps on upgrading ourselves to challange new heights from time to time. As an experienced timepiece manufactu
TTrade Mix Co Ltd

$ 詢問
時科實業有限公司為客戶提供優質的手錶產品﹐一流的服務和准時交貨﹐以達到兩贏局面 業務范圍 時計工場有限公司(時計)在香港和深圳市分別設有辦公室和廠房﹐一直從事手錶生產和出口業務。時計的主要業務是為品牌客戶提供原始設備制做(OEM)和海外開發(ODM)服務﹐以配合世界各地的客戶需要。 企業承諾 時計憑藉管理和技朮人員的丰富經驗和多年的制錶知識﹐一直承諾竭力為客戶提供支援。雖然過去几年面對全球經濟不
TTime Product Mfy Ltd

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Our factory was established in 1991. We have our own engineering team to support, together with advanced production equipment, and we believe we could satisfy customer's needs in every aspect like pa
CClear Round Ind'l Ltd

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Mr. Jacques Froidevaux, Swiss Founder and Owner of Jacques Farel, moved to Hong Kong 30 years ago with a vision of blending the creative talent of Swiss Management and Design with the efficiency of p
JJacques Farel Ltd

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Oro Time Ltd was found in 1989. It is a market-driven organization manufacturing customizable time pieces which serve as the solutions for customers' needs. With its highly integrated customer servic
OORO Time Ltd

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Armstrong is a group of factory established over 20 years, we specialized in all kinds of nostalgia items in stylish classic design, equipped with the latest technology in fine wooden finished casing
AArmstrong Ind'l Ltd

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We are established in 1980, specialize in producing high-quality stainless steel, tungsten steel, silver and brass with high gold plating Q.A. watches. Our in-house QC ensures the top performance of
MMs. Chan

$ 詢問
基文礼品表业,总部设在香港,在国内设厂,并与国内数十家配件厂商保持着良好的合作关系,是一家专业的出口型礼品钟表制造企业。基文礼品表业一直致力于为全世界客商提供:1)专业的企业礼品、促销礼品钟表解决方案;2)专业的礼品钟表制造服务;3)让世界各国客商通过我们了解中国的传统礼品文化。 中华民族传承着5000年的礼文化,古往今来,礼品在人们的日常生活中扮演着十分重要的角色,“礼尚往来&rd
GGifvinn Watch Co Ltd

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Fanpex Limited (Wai Wah Electronics Mfy), established since 1986, is one of the largest watch and clock manufacturers in Hong Kong with a factory in Dongguan, China and is renowned for its high qualit
FFanpex Limited

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The new face of time adds color to your life! Rainbow emotion of colors is an innovative and absolutely new style and form of visualizing time. The concept in its form and color diversity is very vis
RRainbow Far East Ltd

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我們迪創工作室在2008年成立,是一家有經驗團隊組成的年輕公司。 我們提供的產品設計新穎、品質優良、服務體貼,但相對很多品牌,價錢更合理。 我們能夠做到是因為我們公司整合了由設計而至銷售的整個供應蓮中每個步驟,結構師我們能縮短產品推出市場的時間以及將成本結構合理化。 產品 現金腕錶已不只是一個計時工具,我們相信它已是一種可以是潮流裝飾,也可以是具有不同功能的商品,一種可表達其主人的商品。 我們的

$ 詢問
“樂士美” 源自於古印度語“GODDESS OF FORTUNE”。 印度是有著悠遠文化歷史的國度,幾千年的文明積澱鍛就了它神秘、美麗、高貴的迷人風情。 取其神秘嬌美,吉祥如意,富貴典雅之意,悄無聲息的滿足著人類的愛美之心,故其中文取名“樂士美”。 “樂士美” 之手錶,它摒棄了傳統簡單的外形設計及單一
EEnne Luxmi Enterprises Ltd
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